What Are the Benefits of Facial Toners? Should You Use It?


Still not following the C-T-M routine? Need more info on what actually toners are and what they do? The recent trends of anti-acne and anti-wrinkles have overpowered this product. But guess what? This silent hero is ready to make its comeback! You must be remembering rubbing a toner as a teen, but do you do it now? So here is all you need to know about Facial Toners.

Also Read: Top 7 Homemade Toners For All Skin Types

What is Toner?
Toner is a watery liquid which contains active ingredients to address the specific skin issues. It removes excess oil and pollution from the skin along with the traces of makeup. It prepares your skin for your moisturizer and makeup.

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Benefits of Facial TonersImage Source: blogspot

Is it good for all skin types?
There is a toner for each kind of skin, these days. Some of the toners contain exfoliating agent like fruity amino acids or glycolic acid while other contain thermal spring water for those with sensitive skin. Use an alcohol-free toner always.

Benefits of Facial Toners2Image Source: co

How to use it?
After washing your face with your facial cleanser, take 2-3 drops of toner on a cotton pad. Swipe it on your face and neck. Don’t pull it too much to bruise your skin.

Benefits of Facial Toners3Image Source: wordpress

The toners available in the mist form can be sprayed directly on your face. Remember to close your eyes before spritzing it.

How Often Should You Use Toner?
Don’t overuse toners as it can make your sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Use it two times a day, in the morning and at the night. Use it before applying moisturizer or serum. If you have a dry skin, then use it at night only.

Benefits of Facial TonersImage Source: imgix

The next time you go shopping for your skincare regimen, don’t forget to pick up a toner for your skin. Never skip toner. It eliminates dirt and oil and makes the rest of the product do better on your skin.

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