Winter Alert: Here’s Why You Should Say NO to Heaters This Winter!


Winters means a cosy quilt, a cup of tea and sitting next to the fireplace. Oops, the contemporary urban homes don’t have the fireplaces anymore. So, we retort to our winter woes with an electronic heater. Isn’t it? But there’s a logic that’s a bit incomprehensible. When you care for your skin the whole year round, then why do you avoid it during the winters?

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Blossom Kochhar, the chairperson of Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies reveals that one should be taking extra care of his/her skin during the winters. They should stay away from anything harsh for the sake of their skin. Heater, being one of them. She advised her followers to stay away from heaters in the winters. If there is an urgent need to use one, then sit at a plenty distance from the heater.

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1. You can also put a bowl of water near the heater to restore the moisture in the air. Too much of heater can make your skin dry and chaffed.

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2. Use a good quality of moisturizing serum to restore the moisture balance of the skin.

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3. Don’t use the thicker cream thinking they are better at hydration. But the truth is, the thickness of the cream has nothing to do with hydration. Use a serum with your moisturizer to boost the hydration. Even if your skin is oily, use a moisturizer.

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4. It can be a temptation to sit in front of the heaters all the time during the foggy days of winters. But for the sake of your skin, give up on this temptation. Sitting too much in heaters can lead to excessive dryness and burns as well in severe cases. If you want to enjoy the heat of the heaters, then you can sit with your back towards the heater.

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5. The convection based heaters circulate the heat trapped in the carpets. This pollutes the air you’re sitting it. Too much heater can also leave your lips chapped and parched. No amount of lip balm or moisturizer is going to do the repair job.

Trench heating convectionImage Source: co

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So, give up on your temptation to remain warm all the time during the winters. You can try the DIY methods to stay warm. The heater is not always the only way to stay warm in the cold weather. You can layer up your woollens. Drink a concoction of ginger and honey to stay warm from inside. Eat foods which are known to increase the body heat. Last but not the least, put your attention away from the cold. The more you’ll think about it, the more you’ll feel it.

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