1-Minute Beauty Hacks You Need In Your Daily Life Right Now


Beauty hacks are a life saviour and they seem even better if they are quick to follow. I mean hacks need to be simple and should hardly take any time, otherwise what is the point of using them. So here I am today, with 8 beauty hacks which take just a minute or less. Yes, you heard (read) that right. Here are the 1-minute hacks you need in your life right now.

Also Read: 13 Lovely Beauty Hacks That Will Change Your Life

1. Want softer, luscious lips quickly? All you need is a minute and a toothbrush. After brushing your teeth, apply some coconut oil or olive oil onto your lips. With the toothbrush gently scrub the lips. This will remove all the dead skin cells and you will be left with smoother healthy looking lips.

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2. If your lips are thin and you want to make them appear bigger and add more definition to then this one minute hack is perfect for you. Either you can take a lip liner which matches your lip colour to line the lips and fill them. Or you can also apply and blend a concealer around the lining of your lips before applying the lipstick.

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3. If you are nor an expert when it comes to applying a bronzer or highlighter, then you can use this easy tip to add that instant glow to your skin. Mix a little bit of the bronzer or highlighter into your moisturizer and then apply it as you normally would.

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4. As the day passes by your skin may feel tired and dehydrated. If you want to re-energise your skin on the go then just keep a bottle of rose water spray in your bag. You can spritz some on your face whenever you feel tired.

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5. The veins on your neck may get tensed and the blood flow may get blocked due to the tension build up or the stress. Massaging your neck for a minute will loosen up the muscles and the blood flow will get back to the normal. As soon as your blood flow get back to the normal the production of the hormone cortisol is also reduced.

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6. The answer to oily greasy hair is not always hair wash. On days when you are feeling a bit lazy, dry shampoo may come to your rescue. Spritz some on your roots and leave it like that for a few minutes. Once it has absorbed all the oil, you can style your hair normally.


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7. If you have dry skin and highlighters only add up to the dry patches on your face, then you can try this hack. Mix a few drops of a facial oil to your moisturizer or foundation. Apply the product as you normally would and it will add a luminous glow to your skin.

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8. To add an immediate plumping effect to your lips, apply a highlighter on your cupid’s bow. Blend the highlighter lightly with your fingers. If you are using a lipstick, apply some of that some highlighter in the centre of the lower lip as well.


Also Read: 10 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Our Skin!

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