10 Fab Ways to Get Rid of Lizards and Cockroaches from Your House!


Nobody likes living with lizards and cockroaches all the time. This is an actual problem these days. Sometimes, these lizards and cockroaches come along with many harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Though lizards eat away all the small insects and flies, but still how would you feel like seeing too many lizards crawling up your wall? And what if one of them decides to become a Ninja and have to leap over you? A nightmare!

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We all are desperate to know some effective measures to get rid of lizards and cockroaches. These are those uninvited guests who pretend like that the whole house is their property. Although there are many insect and pests repellent available in the market but we often refrain from them as they are flushed with too many harmful chemicals. If you’re having kids or a pet at your house, then you should never use these repellents at any cost.
So today we are going to tell you some effective methods to get rid of lizards and cockroaches from your house. They are not only effective but also eco-friendly. So if you want to say goodbye to these pests forever, try these tricks.

1. Egg Shells
Lizards hate the smell of egg shells. You can keep the egg shells on the entrance and your windows from where the lizards usually enter.

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2. Garlic
The pungent smell of garlic repels the lizards. Hang garlic pods with threads on your door and windows to keep the lizards away. You can also spray garlic juice at the entrance to get rid of them.

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3. Coffee or Tobacco pellets
Coffee and tobacco also repel these pests. You can keep the tobacco and coffee grains at those places where these pests are seen the most. It can be fatal for them and cause their death. You might need to throw away their dead remains afterward.

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4. Onions
The pungent smell of onions repels them a lot. So you can spray some onion juice at your entrance to shoo them away.

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5. Naphthalene Balls
Naphthalene balls are very effective in shooing away the pests. You can keep the naphthalene balls in your kitchen shelves, cupboards, wash basin to bar the entry of cockroaches and lizards.

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6. Coffee Grains
Sprinkles some coffee near your drains to get rid of these creepy crawlies.

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7. Borax and Sugar
Mix 3 parts of borax in 1 parts sugar and sprinkle this mixture where cockroaches are seen the most. You will see that cockroaches will run away in minutes.

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8. Baking Soda and Sugar
If you don’t wish to use borax, then you can use baking soda in place of it. Mix them in equal parts and sprinkles them where the cockroaches are. Cockroaches will die after eating it.

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9. Fabric Softener
Mix 3 parts of fabric softener in 2 parts of water. spray this solution on the cockroaches. It will kill them immediately.

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10. Ammonia and Water
Add 2 cups of ammonia in a bucket of water. mop your floors using this water. the smell of ammonia will shoo away the cockroaches and lizards. Do this 2 times a week to get rid of them permanently.

Get Rid of Lizards and Cockroaches10Image Source: wordpress

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