11 Tips for Working Women During Pregnancy


You should enjoy the time period during your pregnancy. The more you’ll stress the more painful it is going to be when the time comes. You should steer clear from any negative thoughts as much as you can. You can make a planner for the coming months in advance, so that you don’t have to panic later. You should only think about the well-being of the life which is yet to bloom in this world.

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1. You must always carry enough water and food when you leave your home. Never at any cost should you dehydrate yourself. And the food should be home-cooked. Stay away from the junk

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2. While working, take small breaks and relax a bit. Chat with your friend or just lay back on your chair with your eyes closed. You can also take some brisk walk around the office to maintain the blood circulation.

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3. Maintain a good posture while working. Don’t sit with your back in the shape of C. keep you back straight every time you walk and sit. Place your feet on a stool or foot rest, in case you find any swelling in your feet.

4. Don’t make any strenuous movements, and don’t life any heavy object yourself. Avoid the stairs and take the lift. Don’t tire yourself unnecessarily.

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5. Avoid drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. Too much caffeine and nicotine is harmful for your body.

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6. Don’t take rides on bumpy roads. The bumps on the roads will give unnecessary jerks to your body. Change the route if a particular route is too much bumpy.

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7. Drink a lots of juices and water. Don’t take any caffeinated drink. Keep yourself hydrated as it will avoid any cramps in your body. A well hydrated body has lesser possibilities of feeling bloated or nauseated.

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8. Do some exercises which are particularly meant for pregnant women. Consult your doctor for the same. You can join any gym which have experts in training the pregnant women.

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9. Don’t keep high expectations from yourself. You won’t be functioning as well as you used to do before pregnancy. If your job is very demanding, then it is better to ask for lesser work load. Nothing is as important as your baby’s health.

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10. Keep your seat arranged at the corner. Feeling nauseated is common during pregnancy. Sit at the corner so that you can rush to the washroom as soon as possible.

11. Wear comfortable clothes. Don’t wear tight fitting clothes. There are certain clothes that are typically meant for pregnant women. If possible, wear cotton clothes.

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