13 Incredible Ways to Stop Disastrous Snoring Effectively


Snoring is one of the most irritating and disastrous things that leads to big fights between people who happen to share a room together, it happens especially between partners who are bound to sleep together in any case. There are many popular cases of sleep divorce that may leave you worried if you too snore in the night.

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A daily publication reported recently that a lady claimed before a judge in Delhi that the snoring of her husband was so disruptive that she hadn’t gotten a full sleep night since they married five months ago and this prompted her to file for a divorce.

“The lady told the judge that that heavy snoring of her husband has made her ill and she has lost a significant amount of weight during the five months of her marriage,” publication reports.

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The most interesting thing was the lady and her man was in deep love with each other.
So to prevent your partner driving nuts because of your snoring habit or to reduce his snoring habit, follow the below-mentioned tricks to get relief.

1) First of all, we will need to know the basic causes of snoring. The main cause of snoring is when you breathe through the nose than the mouth. This condition occurs during a cold or allergy. So to prevent snoring you need to treat your cold first.

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woman who can not sleep because her husband snoresImage Source: sleeppro

2) Too much alcohol, smoking and medication also become the cause of snoring. So try to limit their consumption

3) Chronic Snorers can lead to a sleep apnoea, a condition which stops breathing several times during the night and if the open attack continues for a few more seconds, it may even lead to death. You have to consult a medico to verify whether you have sleep apnoea or not if you awake too many times during the night.

4) There is a sensory device in the market that you can place under the nose and on the finger which monitors air flow. If the air flow is dipping frequently that is an indication of apnoea.

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5) Your sleeping position can also be the cause of your snoring. People who sleep on their back, their tongue collapses into the back of their throat which obstructs breathing.

Also Read: 8 Sleeping Positions That Are Really Bad for You

6) If the person sleeping on your side is habitual of sleeping on the back, you can get rid of his habit. Give him a T-shirt to wear with a pocket on its back and put some shallow item like a tennis ball in it. Once he will try to lean on his back, he will come back to his original position quickly. Continue this method till he gets trained completely. But ensure him it is for his own benefit.

7) Whether we snore or not, it is important for everyone to clear nasal passages before going to bed. If your nasal passages are clear, no air obstruction will occur which will give you a good sound sleep.

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Direction: Add a spoon of salt to a glass of water and close one nostril and blow the water through it and repeat the same procedure for the second nostril

8) Allergy can be one big cause of snoring. To treat it you have to first get rid of allergens. Wash and dry your bed linen, pillows and sheets to remove dust and mites which are a very common cause of allergy.

Also Read: Health Alert! Sleeping Next to Your Phone is Not Good

9) Sometimes due to sinus or injury, inflammation blocks our nostrils and throat. To treat inflammation you can use herbs like turmeric, ginger, and Boswellia etc. or remove excess water through infrared sauna sessions.

10) The misaligned neck is one more cause of snoring because it blocks the tube and allows fluids to be drained out of the head. So it is necessary to have a comfortable pillow under your head. Too low or too high both can lead to snoring.

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11) For preventing mouth snoring, you can use specifically designed adhesive tape or mouth guards. They will close your mouth in a way that your breathing doesn’t suffer. Mouth snoring occurs when our tongue block air passage partially. You can prevent by placing your tongue under teeth so that it doesn’t fall backward.

12) Sedentary lifestyle deposits fat in our body. Which leads to snoring. You may have seen fat people snoring more than the slim trim fit people. This is because the fat in their nose blocks air and hence leads to snoring. So exercise and proper balanced diet are also useful.

13) If nothing works for you then surgery is the last option.

What is your duty towards snoring people?

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If your partner snores too much, do not make a judgement about it. It is obvious snoring irritates everyone, but you should try to get used to this sound and never let your partner know that his snoring is disturbing you. Other it increases your stress and makes you feel worried.

“I can hear a rattle, a snort, a whisper, a wheeze” or “It starts soft and gets loud”. Describing it in this objective and non-judgmental way releases you from its emotional grip and increases the chance of actually sleeping,” says an expert.

“So next time you hear snoring, aim to describe the pitch, volume, tempo, crescendo, and other objective characteristics. Over time, responding to snoring in this way can help to lessen its negative impact on your own sleep,” this expert adds.

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