5 Common Hair Mistakes That Are Costing You Your Precious Hair


Hair is one of the most prized possessions for women (and men). In order to keep them safe, we have to take extra care of them. But most of the times we end up sabotaging the health of our hair on our own, knowingly or unknowingly. If you want your hair to look and feel healthy and shine with all their glory, then make sure that you are not making the below-mentioned hair mistakes on a regular basis.

Also Read: 7 Hair Mistakes That Makes You Look Aged

1. Doing too much to your hair- Your hair is very delicate and thus need extra care and gentle treatment. One of the most common reasons for hair fall and breakage is doing too much to your hair or over-handling them. You may have heard about this very old saying that you must brush your hair 100 strokes a day does not actually stand true, because if you do that very day you will not be left with any hair at all on your head. Along with that, the pollution combined with the stress is enough to make situations worse for our hair. Therefore, make it a point to handle your hair with utmost care and gentleness.

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2. Avoid using heat- We all love to style our hair in different styles. Sometimes we want to carry them straight on other days you want them to be curly, and in order to get these styles, we expose our delicate hair to hot tools. Now you do get the hairstyle you wanted but at what cost? you are intentionally damaging your hair. A better idea is to look for styling ideas which are heat-less or use very less amount of heat. Also, avoid using heat tools onto wet hair and when you decide to use hot tools make sure to use a heat protectant spray before you begin with any styling.

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Also Read: Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using A Hair Dryer

3. Using too many hair products- Hair products are nothing but chemicals (it doesn’t matter how expensive or high end they are) and when you use too many products, you are actually applying too many chemicals on your hair. These products may help you get beautiful hair for some time but at the end, you will be left with extremely damaged tresses. It better to just stick with the basics which are the shampoo, conditioner and serum. Also, make sure to massage your scalp with coconut or any other oil at least once a week.

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4. Using products that are not meant for your hair type- Before you go ahead and choose the products for your hair, you need to first determine your hair and scalp type. For example, if you have oily scalp and dry hair then choose a clarifying shampoo which will get rid of the excess oil in your scalp and for conditioner, use the one that has moisturising properties in it.

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Also Read: 12 Things you should never do to your hair

5. Using hot water for washing hair- A lot of people don’t know but using hot water for their hair can actually make their hair dry, brittle and damaged. The hot water strip down the moisture content as well as the colour of your hair. Lukewarm water is ideal for washing your hair as it easily removes the build-up from your hair while improving the blood circulation of the scalp.

Hair Mistakes5Image Source: brightside

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