5 Unknown Reasons to Have Giloy For Better Health and Stronger Immunity


The season is changing and this COVID menace is refusing to die down. The newspaper is printed with the news of ever rising current pandemic COVID-19 and even other diseases like dengue and chikungunya all around.

These two months of October and November which you can also call the transition period as winters are about to make you feel its chilling presence is said to be the worst. People become careless in with their eating habits and do very little to boost their immunity.

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But you don’t need to be haunted by these illnesses if you take care of your immunity well. You can keep the viral diseases at bay just by using some Ayurvedic remedies. Ayurvedic remedies are very effective in treating viral illness and bringing down their side effects. Giloy is one such remedy which is also known as the root of immortality. It is said to have several miraculous health benefits. Giloy comprises of anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-pyretic properties that make it an unsurpassed remedy for treating viral diseases.

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If you haven’t heard about this herb or you haven’t thought about consuming it, then there are 5 health reasons why you should be eating giloy by now.

Also Read: This One Leaf Can Cure Dengue, Says Doctors!

1. It boosts immunity.
It is a powerhouse of antioxidants which helps in preventing the destructive action of free radicals.

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2. It Cures Chronic Fever.
If you’re suffering from a fever that doesn’t go, then you can have giloy as a remedy. It eases down the symptoms of certain diseases like dengue, chikungunya and swine flu. It also boosts the number of blood platelets in your body.

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3. It improves digestion.
If you suffer from bowel related issues, then giloy might just be your answer. It eases down the symptoms of constipation, indigestion and piles.

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Also Read: Top 7 Home Remedies To Treat Chikungunya Joint Pain

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4. It Treats Diabetes
Diabetes has become the most common lifestyle-related disease. But giloy can help you with this as well. It works as a hypoglycaemic agent and reduces the blood pressure. And so, it is being used as a curative method to treat type II diabetes.

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5. It cures respiratory problems.
You can use the giloy for treating your respiratory issues. It consists of anti-inflammatory properties which cure diseases like asthma, cough and cold.

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Also Read: 5 Common Myths Related To Diabetes Busted

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