6 Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Leg Pain


Pain in any part of leg is a common issue. Leg pains can occur for many reasons. Whether you are an office worker or an athlete, leg pain can affect anyone. There are various powerful exercises for getting relief from leg pain. Read on the article to know some easy exercises to get rid of leg pain.

1. Seated forward bending or hamstring stretch


This simple exercise for the leg pain helps stretch the hamstring muscle (back of the thigh) and to some extent the lower muscles also.

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  1. Sit on the floor, keeping your back straight and shoulders down, the abs engaged, and the legs extended in front.
  2. Bend slightly forward from the waist, taking the hands towards your toes. Take your chin towards the toes (not towards the legs). Keep the knees tight and extended. Then breathe deeply and also hold for about 10–30 seconds.

2. Calf stretch


This exercise helps you strengthen your calf muscles too.

  1. Stand in front of a small wall and then place the hands shoulder apart against that wall at the chest level. Put the left foot behind the right foot, then gently flexing the right leg forward to maintain your left knee perfectly aligned and the heels in contact with floor.
  2. Keeping your back straight, stand against the wall pushing your hips in forward direction. As you feel gentle stretch, hold the wall there for about 20 seconds. Repeat with other leg. Repeat this twice using each leg.

3. Parvatasana or mountain pose


This pose gives a stretch to the hamstring and calves at same time, which makes this a perfect leg pain relief exercise.

  1. Raise your buttocks up, allow the two arms to lie on the floor and then support the body weight. Then lower the head in between the arms.
  2. Bend the body in the shape of a triangle as observed from the sides. This looks like a big mountain and so the name.

4. Standing quad stretch


This exercise lets you stretch the front part of the thigh muscles.

  1. Stand tall by holding a chair or a wall if needed. Keep the feet hip-width apart and your back straight and the feet parallel.
  2. Grab the left foot in the left hand by keeping your thighs in lined with the next to each other and then the left leg in line with your hip. Breathe deeply and then hold for about 15–30 seconds. Repeat this on the opposite side.

5. Static lunge


This amazing exercise would help you build strength in large muscle groups of your legs as well as to build stability and balance.

  1. Stand keeping your muscles in the body tensed, your core very tight and abdomen muscles tightened, and shoulders back up straight. Split and take the left leg back in a starting position.
  2. Lower yourself as deep a lunge since you can do without touching the bent knee to ground. Lower yourself till you are few inches above ground. Hold this pose for about 3 seconds and then go back to starting position perform 10 reps with same leg and then repeat it with the other leg.

6. Ankle pumps


This great exercise will help in the contraction as well as stretching the calf muscle with the movement of ankle joint that helps in pumping back blood as well as improve venous drainage.

  1. Sit on the floor with yours legs extended. You must also do it while sitting on chair in office shop.
  2. Pull your toes towards yourself and then point these away from you. Pull and push the toes far in either direction as you can. Repeat about 10 times. Do this 2 or 3 times a day.

Other than the above simple exercises like a walk for about 20–30 minutes a day also could help. Go for activities such as swimming, dancing, cycling, yoga, which will help to strengthen the leg muscles. Make exercise a daily routine of your life to combat general pain and leg pain. You must easily perform this exercise at home without any worries.

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