7 Things You Need To Put On Your Face Before Going To Bed


Did you know that while you are asleep, lost in your dreams your skin and body are working very hard to restore themselves and get ready for the next day? Now, all your body needs to feel refreshed and energized is proper rest. But when it comes to your skin, only rest is not going to help it. You need to feed your skin with lots of good things before going to bed in order to wake up, both feeling and looking beautiful. Below we have mentioned 7 things that your skin is going to love at night and it will return the favour by looking clear and fresh the next morning.

1. Water- We all have heard about this one again and again but we still sometimes avoid doing it before we retire to bed. But if you want your skin to behave properly and stay clear then you must wash your face every night before going to bed. We are not asking you to use distilled water or some fancy spring water, all you need is the plain tap water and a cleanser of your choice.

Fresh and lovely woman washing her faceImage Source: wellnessbin

2. A retinoid cream- If you have acne and are suffering from clogged pores, then a retinoid cream or any other product with retinoid can be very helpful for you. But while you apply it on your face make sure to avoid the eye area as it is very sensitive. The retinoid product will get soaked into your skin while you sleep and will help in making your skin smooth and clear.

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Face Before Going To Bed2Image Source: neboleem

3. A face mask- Overnight facial masks are a great way to replenish the lost nutrients and moisture to the skin. Choose the mask which is most suitable for your skin type and is potent enough to deal with your skin related woes. If you have dry skin go for a nourishing mask, if you have acne prone skin then go for a repairing mask and so on. Do this on a regular basis in order to get results. Doing it for just one night is not going to help you.

Young woman applying green algae facial mask.Image Source: daum

4. Moisturize well- Dry skin or oily skin, you must moisturize your skin. You can either use your daily moisturizer for that or you can also use a night cream if your skin is matured and extra dry. Look for ones which have active ingredients in them to fight wrinkles and fine lines along. If you have pigmentation, then look for a moisturizer which has skin lightening ingredients.

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5. Don’t forget your eyes- The under eye area is the most sensitive of all and thus, you need to take extra care of that area. You don’t really need an under eye cream if you are very young but as you grow older an eye cream becomes a necessity. The eye cream will moisturize the skin, maintain the elasticity and will prevent any wrinkles and fine lines. You can choose your eye cream depending on your needs. For example, if you have dark circles then you should go for the one which targets that particular problem and if your main concern is wrinkles the choose the one with anti-ageing benefits.

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6. Use Vaseline- You may or may not have heard about this new product that women are going crazy for, which is known as an all-purpose balm and it is a multi-purpose balm. Only a few high-end brands have launched it and the price tag is quite hefty. Truth to be told, it’s actually nothing new, as we already have our trusty Vaseline that has been there forever. It is our very own ‘all-purpose balm’. So make sure you put it to good use before going to bed. Moisturise your hands, face and feet with it. You can also apply over your eyelashes in order to make them grow longer.

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7. Take your beauty sleep- Now that you have applied all the good stuff on your face you have to go to bed in order to let all the products to work their magic on your skin. While you are asleep your whole body goes into the restoration mode including the skin and for that, we must give it 7-8 hours. So make sure to sleep for at least 8 hours every night in order to give the required time to your body and skin to heal.

Face Before Going To Bed7Image Source: gdayworld

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