9 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Effects Of Weather Change


It is unsaid that how much we all love the change in weather, from winters to fall to summers, but what we don’t like the weather change is the diseases and skin problems it brings along with it.
Along with the enjoyment and excitement, comes the vulnerability which affects our body and immunity making us sick and prone to diseases. But you can prevent yourself from being the target of this weather change with these 9 ways that help you stay fit and healthy all through the transitioning phase.

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We are not talking about those over-the-counter medicines, but different ways which, after following, will protect your immune system and body to reacting negatively. Here’s a list of those 9 things that you can do to avoid the aftereffects of the seasonal shift:

Also read: Maintain Personal Hygiene for Healthy Living

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Hygiene is the most important thing to keep in mind before doing any activity. Be it about food, cloth, or our body, we must always do everything hygienically to avoid catching up of germs and keep diseases at bay. It’s good to follow good hygiene habits like washing hands before eating or at intervals, using hanky while sneezing, covering your nose and mouth in pollution, or construction sites etc.

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Did you know a high number of anti-oxidants and vitamin C works wonders for you? If not, then you must start banking Vitamin C enriched food items immediately to avoid any disease of infections causing from the seasonal shift. Vitamin c reduces the chances of catching on the cold and immunes your body from various diseases as well.
Fruits like orange, kiwi, grapefruit and pineapple are rich in vitamin C, and veggies like red bell pepper, broccoli and sweet potato are also great in fighting off viruses.

Image Source: drweil

Also read: 5 Amazing Things That Happen to You When You Eat Cucumber Daily!

The best cure for cold and sneezing is turmeric, at least that’s what our elders have been telling us. Yes, it’s true! Turmeric is the ultimate healer that protects your body from many infections and cold and is also good for health and skin overall. Drink turmeric milk to get rid of cold within no time.

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Get an instant relief for your scratchy throat with steam inhalation, the best remedy to stay safe from weather change ailments. If you can, then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil into the hot water for clearing up your stuffy respiratory system. The steam helps the increase in production of white blood cells that protects your body from bacteria and germs.

Image Source: healingthebody

Also read: 10 Things That Happen When You Drink Turmeric Water Daily for a Year!

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Not only water, but stocking up your body with herbal fluids, fresh fruit juices and an appropriate amount of water is essential to maintain the hydrating level and flush out the unnecessary toxins from your body. It also helps break up the congestion and moist your throat well.

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There are many herbs in Ayurveda like cloves, ginger, tulsi, turmeric and much more that help fight against germs and diseases in your body. Consuming such herbs can be beneficial for you in unimaginable ways. You can cure cold, sore throat, congestion, nausea, flu and infections or allergies by the mere use of these herbs in your food or chew them ideally.

Image Source: therenegadepharmacist

Also read: 6 Reasons Why Pizza is NOT Good for Your Health!

Nobody needs to tell you that a good diet leads to a healthy body and mind. So, taking a healthy diet which contains lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables is the best kind of food that can save you from weather-related ailments. Raisins, broccoli, pumpkin, ginger, red bell peppers and dry fruits are some of the many preferred food items that you can have.

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Exercising does help you stay fit and healthy, but it can do the reverse effects while you are sick and vulnerable. Your body could not take the additional stress that exercising causes when you are sick and weak, so it’s better to avoid working out in such times.

Image Source: blogspot

Also read: Stop Eating Garlic If You’re Suffering from Any of These 6 Health Conditions!

A good and sound sleep is the key to a healthy body and mind. Sleep allows your body to relax and bring its functioning to a proper state, recharging your immune system and making your digestion better. Let’s not forget how good it is for your skin and hair as well. so why not take adequate sleep for a healthier you.

Image Source: inlifehealthcare

These were just a few of many ways that you can prevent yourself from being attacked by the germs and bacteria of changing the weather. Share with us how you prevent yourself from this seasonal shift.

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