8 Proven Health Benefits of Strawberry Infused Water


Strawberry infused water is one of the most common infused water recipes. There is something about the super taste of a strawberry drink that really quenches our thirst.

But have you ever thought that strawberry infused water is also very healthy for you? Know the healthy benefits of strawberry water and enjoy the delicious strawberry water recipes.

Taste it and you will agree that detoxifying water with strawberry, is one of the best detoxifying drinks you have ever tasted. Strawberry infused water is amazing for drinking all day. Read on the article to know the amazing health benefits of water which is not only super in taste but also extremely beneficial for your overall health.

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Benefits of strawberry infused water

1. Acts as a natural diuretic


The infused water content in strawberries makes it a very low-calorie fruit, and also is a great natural diuretic. By consuming extra strawberries, urination might increase and also prevents kidney and the urinary tract infections.

2. Suppresses appetite


One of the biggest health benefits of strawberry infused water is its high fiber content. The small fruit contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. This serves a variety of functions in our body. But, besides having many roles in the body, they are hard to break down and digest. It sounds negative? But actually, it is an advantage. Strawberries could absorb water and also slow down the digestive process while expanding your stomach. This sends different signals to the brain, lowering hunger and cravings. If you want to achieve weight loss, strawberries are of great help and must be added to the diet as often as possible.

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3. Prevents inflammation


Inflammation could cause several health problems, like cell damage and lso increased risk of diseases such as mental illness and diabetes. The powerful properties of strawberries can be due to its very high content of the vitamin C. One of the benefits of the nutrient is its power to fight the inflammation, to mask its unpleasant symptoms.

4. Stimulates the immune system


The anti-inflammatory property of strawberry not only helps protect the cells from damages but also helps the immune system fight off all infections. This is because the viral or bacterial infections could cause a very high level of inflammation that can slow down your immune system and also prevents it from getting healthy again. Eating strawberries more often when you recover from a disease could speed up recovery.

5. Promotes growth of good intestinal bacteria


Soluble fiber is `very effective in fighting hunger but it can do much more than expected. Another important function of this kind of fiber is to maintain the good bacteria healthy in the gut. Bacteria play a very important role in mental and physical health; some of these are still being researched. Including some strawberries in the diet could play a vital role in improving the health by improving the gut.

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6. Helps fight bad cholesterol


Adding strawberry to your infused water could also help improve heart health. Reducing unhealthy low density cholesterol is the way in which strawberries could help prevent the deposition of plaque in the arteries. This could help prevent the heart problems and also keep your blood vessels flexible and healthy.

7. Increases the absorption of nutrient


Unlike other foods which contain fiber and nutrients, strawberries could help the intestinal bacteria and also promote the nutrient uptake in the gut.  This benefit is an important aspect of the soluble fiber in strawberries. The berries can support the absorption of essential nutrients and can help to increase the amount of all nutrients you receive from both berries and other foods which you eat. While soluble fiber in strawberries is very good for natural bacteria, the insoluble fiber offers unique health benefits. One of these benefits is to improve digestion and enhance regular bowel movements. It can help prevent constipation that can be a common problem in older people. Both young and older people can benefit from adding these sweet berries in the diet.

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8. Helps lower blood pressure


By lowering bad cholesterol in the body and increasing urination, strawberries could also bring extra benefits to the heart by lowering the blood pressure. This may further reduce the chances of future heart problem and also helps improve the overall health.

How to make strawberry infused water

For the infused water recipe, the complete preparation steps are mostly the same:

  • Place the ingredients at the bottom of a glass of fruit infusion jug.
  • Then cover it with ice and fill with water.
  • Place in the refrigerator for one hour before consuming.
  • You may refill the container 2 to 3 times before it starts losing flavor.
  • The ingredients are based on preparing it in a quart glass.
  • If you wish to use a fruit jug, you can reduce the ingredients by half or less on multi-ingredient recipe.

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