Dandruff is something we all dread. It is such a pain and more so in the winter season! It bothers too much and we look for shampoos, serums, home remedies, and whatnot. If it...
All of us are surely aware of the misery of split end in the hair. We hate to see our hair-tearing apart thereby making it look brittle and weak. Because we do not have...
Having beautiful hair and flaunting them is a charm every one of us somewhere craves for and the ones who are blessed with this, so far so good but the ones who still wish...
It's true that your hair occupies a very little area of your body but their presence on your head makes a difference in a way or other. And losing them leave a twitching pain...
While shuffling through shelf full of spices, there is one unique spice which you did not think can be used for multiple health benefits. From adding a different flavor to food to providing skin,...
Your hair is exposed to several pollutants almost every day. The health of your hair depends on how you care for it and maintain it. But, almost no person is immune to experiencing damage,...
Are you worried about constant irritation on the scalp? Have you ever tried to know the reason behind it? Well, do not get shocked but acne on scalp might be the culprit here. The...
Vegetables are our great friends when we try to lose some weight, right? What do you think of dieting and all? These veggies are great for our hair. Vegetables and fruits for hair growth...