As someone who loves cooking, I am always in search of good recipes. But because I am always on a time crunch, the recipes which are quick to make and with the minimum effort...
We all relish pulao in our dinner and lunch. But can we bring any variations in it to make it taste even better. So come let’s learn how to make this spicy mix veg...
Pizza is one of the most loved takeaway and order at home eating option. We all love the buttery crust topped with melted cheese and fresh vegetables. But seldom do we think of making...
Aloo Tikki can be enjoyed in any season, whether its summers or winters. You can find this Indian cuisine at every nook and corner of India. No one can hold himself from enjoying the...
Paneer lababdar as the name suggests is a creamy, velvety gravy with silky, soft paneer cubes soaked in it. This recipe is very rich and definitely not meant for the people who are on...
Children these days don’t find the home cooked food tasty. They just try to find an excuse to stay away from the homemade food. As a result, they pamper their taste buds by eating...
When it comes to Chinese food one of the most popular and most loved dishes is veg Manchurian. Veg Manchurian consists of fried vegetable balls served in thick spicy gravy/sauce flavoured with ginger, garlic,...
Summer means ‘cool and refreshing desserts’. Isn’t it? You can’t find a single person who doesn’t relish Rabri Faluda in the summer season. But somehow if you don’t know what this Indian Dessert is...