Discuss These Important Things with Your Husband before Pregnancy!


If you’re married and have been planning to have a baby lately, then cease the moment for a while. We all know that growing a kid these days isn’t a cakewalk anymore. Taking responsibility for the life of some other living being, teaching him about the principles of the society, the expenses, and everything else; it isn’t going to be easy. That’s why it is very important to check whether both of the parents are mentally, emotionally and physically ready to take up this responsibility. Sometimes, the other one isn’t willing to have a baby but he just nods his head under pressure. so discuss these things with your partner before planning a baby.

1. Health
Make sure that both of you are physically fit to have a child. Health is the requisite if you want your kid to grow up like a normal one.

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2. Finances
Be very much open to talk about your current financial condition with your partner. Remember, a baby will be an added financial expenditure on you. So don’t make a decision in haste.

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3. Career
Make it very clear to your partner about your dreams and aspiration. Do you want to work even after having a child? Or do you want to quit your job and stay at home? Make it very blatant.

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4. Personal Choices
It can be possible that at this point of life, you’re wishing for a baby while your partner wants to spend some time with ‘you’ only. So don’t pressurize him to have a baby.

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5. Discuss about responsibilities
If you both are working, then you have to distribute your responsibilities equally. One can’t pile upon the other to get everything done.

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6. Parenting Technique
Discuss how you want to raise your child. If you want to raise your child with love while your partner wants him to bring him up under discipline, then there might be clashes between you.

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7. Adoption
If you can’t conceive or due to any other personal reason you’re thinking about adopting a kid, then discuss it with your partner about the same.

before Pregnancy7Image Source: elitereaders

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