Farting (Excessive Gas): Its Causes, Prevention And Cure


In October 2015, a Pennsylvania, USA man was fired by his boss and the reason behind it was too much farting. 70- year old Richard Clem was first asked by the boss to work from home and after some days he received a termination letter from his office.

The boss wrote to him that his employees were not able to bear with his (Richard Clem) too much farting habit and if he would not have terminated him from the service, most of his employees were ready to submit their resignation.

The situation like Richard Clem can occur with anyone as during farting people don’t like being around any person who fart too much. Its unpleasant odour is hard to bear for anyone.
Why some persons fart too much, it has many reasons behind it. Let us know these reasons, its prevention and cure here:

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What is farting basically?

Farting Prevention And Cure1Image Source: huffpost

Farting occurs when our digested food from the stomach moves to the small intestine and undigested to the large intestines for defecation. When undigested food moves to large intestines, some food particles break down in a gas as a by-product. This gas is released ultimately through the anus.

Reasons behind farting

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  1.  Some spices, foods like cabbages, potatoes, bread, meat and dairy products have a tendency to alter bacterial function in intestines to produce gas.
  2.  Lactose intolerant people fart too much because lactose ferments produce gas.
  3.  Too many bacteria in the colon also produce a fart.
  4.  When you swallow too much air, for example, during chewing gum or taking cold drinks.
  5.  Smoking traps air in your oesophagus which then comes out as fart.
  6.  Certain medicines stimulate bacterial growth in the intestines and hence release fart.
  7.  People who suffer from poor digestion also release too much fart.

What gives a fart its bad odour?
Sometimes our intestines release gases, like nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane which is odourless. But when carbon dioxide and nitrogen are formed in the stomach that causes swelling in the abdominal area. Here it mixes with hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, sulphur, indole and skatole which gives it a very unpleasant odour.

Sulphur is mainly found in eggs, meat, cheese and vegetables like broccoli and cabbage.

Is farting a health issue?

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Farting up to a certain level is not a worrying factor, but when your body produces gases in excess, you need to consult a doctor at that time.

Types of farts

  1.  One that occurs frequently and involuntarily
  2.  One which releases with too much wind
  3.  Very unpleasant odour
  4.  Abdominal cramps and bloating

How to Control Farting?

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Now we know how fart is created in the body and how it gets its bad odour. Now we will know the ways to prevent it.

  1.  Too much sugar means too much fart. So you should decrease consumption of fructose, lactose, and sorbitol like sugars.
  2.  If you are habitual of eating carbonated drinks, then there are chances you may be farting in excess. Carbonated drinks like beer, soda and cold drinks create gas in the intestines. Decrease their consumption to get rid of farting.
  3.  Starchy foods like potatoes and noodles increase farting. You can replace potatoes and noodles with rice, which is an easily digestible food.
  4.  Smoking and gum chewing also lead to farting. During chewing and smoking, more air enters into the body which leads to more farting.
  5.  The key to reduce farting is to improve digestion. Once your food is digested completely, there will be no food left in your intestines to create fart.

Remedies to stop farting

  1.  Cook your food thoroughly because the uncooked food is not digested by the body easily.
  2.  Start your day fruits and milk to maintain pH of your stomach.
  3.  Eat food at the proper times and do not let your stomach be empty any time.
  4.  Herbal tea with peppermint, chamomile and balm are also useful for getting of farting.
  5.  Keep your body hydrated because water drains out toxins from the body.
  6.  Never forget to drink a lime juice or warm water glass before meals
  7.  When you feel the urge for defecation, go to latrine quickly, because irregular bowel movement creates gases in the body.
  8.  Have a workout daily to live a stress-free life.
Farting Prevention And Cure5Image Source: vox-cdn

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