6 Foods You Should Eat To Boost Immunity During Winters


Winters is the season of sweaters and blankets, to keep you warm and comfy.  Everyone loves winter, the coziest weather of all, the time for cuddles and warmth. There are lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables available in the market at this time. It is also the season of  French onion soups and hot chocolate.

However, the cold weather brings with it a number of health problems like viral cold, flu, cough, and allergies. To keep this at bay, you must keep your body warm by eating the right food. There’s also skin-related issues associated with dry skin in winters.

Hence  boosting your immune system is the only way to deal with these problems.  Here are some foods that you can consume during winters to boost your immunity:

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1. Nuts & Seeds


Nuts and seeds are nutrient-dense foods that provide healthy fats, protein, and fiber, making them a satisfying snack option that can help prevent overeating. So definitely add nuts and seeds to your diet. They are rich in vitamins like E and C, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and folate. These are essential nutrients that keep your body warm & help boost your immune system. Try to start your mornings with almonds and walnuts. You can also have flaxseeds, chikki, sesame seeds, peanuts, and dates whenever you feel hungry.

2. Green peas


Green peas are mostly available during winters. Peas are a super delicious and nutritious food option for this season. Green peas are rich in protein, fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins A & K. They are rich in iron, magnesium, and folate. It’s thus no wonder that peas make are good for our skin, nails, and the immune system. You can add them to your breakfast in your poha, upma, oats, soups, stir fry and cooked vegetables.

3. Root vegetables


Beetroot, sweet potatoes, carrots, yam, radishes are some of the seasonal vegetables available during winters. These all are rich sources of antioxidants, vitamins like A & C, and minerals like iron & potassium which help us to fight chronic disease, detoxify our body and prevent aging. They also help to keep you warm. You can regularly consume these root vegetables in the form of salads and soups.

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4. Ginger and Garlic


These are the most important foods that can keep your body warm during winters. Many people like to grate ginger to their morning tea, or warm water. Ginger is a powerful immune-boosting food that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It contains bioactive compounds like gingerol, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help enhance immune function and reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger also has anti-gastric, antiseptic & anti-inflammatory properties that help in digestion related problems.

Garlic has long been used for its medicinal properties and immune-boosting benefits. It contains compounds like allicin, which have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help support immune function and fight off infections. It is also rich in organosulfur compounds that boost your immunity. Eating garlic daily can help you to fight against flu, cough, cold, and various infections that commonly occur during winters.

5. Turmeric 


Turmeric is among the most common spices available in Indian houses. Curcumin present in turmeric is known for its antioxidants and phytonutrient properties. Add a pinch of turmeric powder every day to your cooking. You can also add turmeric powder to a glass of milk to help boost your immunity.

6. Yogurt


Yogurt is rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support gut health and immune function. The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in regulating immune responses and protecting against pathogens. Consuming yogurt and other probiotic-rich foods like kefir and fermented vegetables can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria and strengthen the immune system during the winter months.

Adding these immune-boosting foods into your diet can help strengthen your immune system and protect against seasonal illnesses during the winter months. Maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting regular exercise, managing stress levels, and getting adequate sleep are essential factors for supporting overall health and immunity year-round.

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