Home Remedies for Skin Whitening (How To Lighten Skin)


21.)Kojic acid– Kojic acid is a natural compound which is extracted from mushrooms and fungi and helps in inhibiting the tyrosinase activity thus preventing melanin Kojic acid can be added to the lotions or moisturizer you use on a daily basis. Add the kojic acid to your moisturizer and use it regularly for skin whitening.

Kojic-Acid Image

22.)Baking soda– Baking soda acts as a very mild exfoliator which helps in getting rid of the dead skin cell layer, revealing the new and fairer skin. Take two tbsp. of baking soda and combine it with enough water to make a paste and massage your face with it. Let the baking soda dry for 10 minutes and then wash it off after 10 minutes.

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Baking-Soda Image

23.)Bearberry extract– The bearberry extract helps in inhibiting the tyrosine activity and thus reducing the production of Add full strength bearberry extract to your daily moisturizer and use it regularly for best skin whitening results.

Bearberry Image

Note– All the above-mentioned Home Remedies for skin whitening may take anywhere from 1 to 3 months in order to show results and the results may vary from person to person depending on the complexion.

 What controls your skin colour?

Internal factors that determine skin colour:

Mainly the colour of melanin is controlled by the concentrations of three pigments namely, melanin, carotene and haemoglobin. These pigments are found in the dermis and impart colour to it. Melanin, as I’ve mentioned earlier is the primary factor which is responsible for our skin colour.

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More the melanin, darker will be the skin. Carotene, on the other hand, imparts the yellowish-orange colour to the skin. And the reddish pink colour is imparted by the most commonly known pigment, haemoglobin. These pigments are the internal factors which are responsible for the skin colouration. Apart from these, there are some external factors as well which are responsible for darkening of the skin.

The skin darkening or is more scientifically known as ‘Hyperpigmentation’. Overproduction of melanin causing skin darkening is known as hyperpigmentation. It is usually harmless, but bother people due to cosmetic reasons. It is usually caused by over-exposure of skin to the sun for long period of time.

In fact, sun exposure is the commonest cause behind skin darkening, second being the air pollution. But that’s not all. Skin darkening or hyperpigmentation is also caused by ‘hormonal changes’. For example, the hormonal changes that women go through when they are either pregnant or are on the birth control pills. Skin darkening can also be a mixed reaction caused by sun exposure and an allergic reaction, altogether.


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There are mainly three types of hyperpigmentation.

  • Lentigo/Lentigenes: Lentigo means a single freckle while Lentigenes being the plural of Lentigo
  • Solar Lentigenes: this is caused by sun exposure. It includes sun spots, age spots and liver spots.
  • Melasma: this is more commonly referred to as ‘Pregnancy Mask’. This is caused by the hormonal changes a woman undergoes during the pregnancy.

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