How to Treat Body Pain with Foil Paper!


You must be having aluminium foil in your house. Yes, the one which we use to pack the food items. It keeps our eatables safe plus it also prevents the food from getting cold. You must have heard and used the foil paper yourself to pack your food. But do you know that it is an excellent pain killer as well. you must be shocked to hear this, but this is true. Recent studies have revealed that foil paper contain many medicinal benefits as well. one of them being pain relieving. You can use aluminium foil instead of pain killers to get rid of body pains.

Aluminum Foil for body pain1Image Source: patrika

In fact it can cure the body pain caused by arthritis. Apart from this, it is used to treat back ache, neck pain, knee pain, etc.
Learn how to use it

You just need aluminium foil and a crepe bandage to eliminate body pain now. First of all, wrapt the aluminium foil where you’re experiencing the pain. Make sure that the aluminium foil is wrapped tightly onto your skin. Check if there’s any crease in the foil. Any amount of air shouldn’t enter through the foil.

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Aluminum Foil for body pain2Image Source: newstracklive

Now wrap the crepe bandage on top of the aluminium foil, carefully. Keep the bandage on for some time. You can keep the bandage on for 10-12 hours. It will relieve your pain to great extent. The aluminium foil have many anti-inflammatory benefits which also helps in pain relieving.

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