Is Maida Good For Health? Side Effects Of Eating Maida


A common ingredient in most kitchens is maida or refined flour. Some time or another, we all gorged on pooris, naans, samosas, biscuits, bread, and cakes that were made from maida. But, is it healthy? How does that harm our bodies, exactly? A finer type of wheat flour developed from the inner part of the wheat grain is maida. The wheat is processed to extract the germ and bran, leaving the white flour behind the endosperm.

It is then well grounded and bleached, giving its usual white colour to the maida. Combined with maida, the bleach and the chemicals bring on its softness.

Side effects of consuming maida                    

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1. Causes obesity


The glycaemic index of maida is very high, around 71, which means that when compared to low GI and unprocessed foods, it contains twice the amount of calories. So, the calorie count can increase when a person binges on foods that have maida. When the calorie intake is high, the cells of the body may get more glucose than needed, which in turn is stored as fat, contributing to excessive weight gain.

2. Leads to digestion problems


The fact that it can congest the digestive system is one of the side effects of maida. Maida has very little nutritional value because it has no fiber. The lack of fiber makes it hard to digest. The rate of metabolism can be changed, thereby interrupting the normal bowel movements that cause constipation and other digestive problems. Also, the moisture that disorders the digestive system is short.

3. Increases the risk of diabetes


There is a strong link between maida and diabetes. The more refined a food item is, the greater the need for insulin to treat it. The hormone insulin regulates cells’ absorption of sugar. In the body, eating too much maida triggers surplus sugar release. The functioning of the pancreas that secretes the insulin hormone into the bloodstream can be adversely affected by elevated levels of sugar. The pancreas can initially release additional insulin, activating an insulin increase.

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4. Affects bones


Why will Maida affect your bones or help with your arthritis? Well, after refining, Maida is acidic as all nutrients are lost. The body thus utilizes calcium from the bones to regulate the acidity, which in turn decreases the density of the bone. It is also this acidity, which is a primary cause of arthritis, which helps in inflammation.

5. Deficient of nutrients


In the flavor portion, foods made of maida can score. However, since they only have empty calories, they appear to make a person feel stuffed and undernourished. During the processing of maida, all the essential nutrients, proteins, and minerals are destroyed. Also, foods prepared from refined flour extract nutrients from the body to assist their absorption, thereby draining minerals and vitamins from the body’s pool.

6. Causes chronic diseases


Overconsumption of maida, which makes an individual vulnerable to unjustified levels of blood sugar and obesity, may also cause higher levels of triglycerides, causing heart problems. The drawbacks of Maida also include a potential rise in LDL or bad cholesterol that leads to blocked arteries and elevated blood pressure.

Excess maida intake will stress the adrenals, failing them, which can weaken the immunity of the body. In addition, maida is acidic with a poor mineral content that can cause chronic inflammation, health problems such as headaches, to create acidity in the body.

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