5 Signs Show That You Are Having a Vitamin Deficiency


Minerals and Vitamins play an important role in our bodies. It is responsible for various bodily functions including strengthening of muscles and bones, synthesizing body tissues, and removing toxins from the body.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

The 5 symptoms of vitamin deficiency are:

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1. Dandruff


Dandruff develops mostly on the skin’s oil producing areas. These disorders make your scalp and skin go flaky and itchy. Dandruff develops on the scalp, but seborrheic dermatitis appears on other parts of the body including upper chest, face, armpits, and groin. Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff is caused due to nutrient deficient diet.

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2. Red or White bumps

Keratosis pilaris is a condition of skin which causes white or red bumps on the arms, cheeks and buttocks. These tiny bumps develop owing to some ingrown hair on the skin. This condition develops mostly during childhood and goes away naturally with the growth. It is also observed in people with a poor Vitamin A and C diet.

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3. Hair loss

Hair loss is a common symptom of a vitamin deficiency. Many people experience hair loss even before 50 years of age. Iron being an essential mineral which plays an important role in synthesis of DNA including the DNA which is present in hair follicles. Therefore an iron deficiency stops hair growth and prevents its falling too.

4. Mouth ulcers

Ulcers or lesions in the mouth have a common connection with mineral and vitamin deficiency. Mouth ulcers also called canker sores are caused by vitamin B or iron deficiency. Foods which are good sources of iron are meat, poultry, fish, legumes which should be a part of daily diet routine.

5. Brittle nails and hair

Vitamin deficiency causes brittle nails and hair. One of the major vitamin deficiencies is a lack of biotin. Biotin, also called vitamin B7, helps the body in breaking down the food and converting it into energy. A biotin deficiency is extremely rare, but when it occurs, it causes thinning of nails as the most common symptoms. Other biotin deficiency symptoms are cramps and muscle pain.

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