health tips

How to Get Rid Of Itchy Ringworms!

Skin is the largest organ in our body which is continuously bearing the brunt of the environment. Skin being the most sensitive part of the body gets infected as soon as it comes in...

4 Simple Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging

Are you unable to fit into your old clothes just because you feel that your bra size has surged or they have become shapeless? Or do you feel embarrassed while dressed up in your...

Pregnant? You Should Do These Exercises!

Being pregnant is a blissful feeling. Only the women are blessed with the power to give birth to a life. Even before the baby enters the realm of our world, the mother-to-be nests many...

Caution: These Easy-To-Use Sanitary Napkins Are Actually Harmful to You!

As the time is changing, more and more types of sanitary napkins are being available in the market. These sanitary options claim to keep you tension free throughout your periods. But did you ever...

7 Easy Tips To Make Your Child Grow Taller

As the parents of a growing child, there is one major concern that really bugs you all the time is the height of your child. The growth years of a child are very crucial...

Sleeping Naked Is Good For Health. Here’s Why!

People find it quite embarrassing to sleep naked. Especially if we’re talking about Indians. They will think 10 times before giving into any such thing. The major reason behind not sleeping naked is the...

Why You Shouldn’t Drink Ice Cold Water In Summer!

We all cherish ice cold water during hot blazing summer afternoons. Isn’t it? And when the cold water isn’t enough to quench our thirst, we add ice cubes to add the chill. But studies...

How To Treat Saggy Breasts: Top 7 Home Remedies

In women, over the time the breast starts to lose their elasticity and suppleness and begin to sag. Breast sagging starts usually when the woman reaches the age of 40 or more, but in...

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