Pregnant? You Should Do These Exercises!


Being pregnant is a blissful feeling. Only the women are blessed with the power to give birth to a life. Even before the baby enters the realm of our world, the mother-to-be nests many dreams about her baby, in her mind. But amidst all the dream-weaving and planning, the most important thing is to keep the utmost care of yourself. So let us read about some exercises which a pregnant woman can carry out during her 9 months tenure.

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While the rest is important for the expecting mothers, but making little movements and doing some exercises is equally important. It has been seen that most of the woman gain too much of weight during these 9 months. And to maintain this weight, a little bit of movement and workout is necessary. There are some exercises which are specially meant for the pregnant women. These exercises enhance the flexibility of the muscles along with the strength. You can also save yourself from the varicose veins, backache, and other issues by doing these exercises

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Research say that women who work during the pregnancy, don’t face much health issues during childbirth. You must be already knowing the movement of the body is necessary for maintaining healthy blood circulation. A healthy mother means a healthy baby.

Some Important Tips to Be Noted

  •  Before jumping into any exercise, consult your doctor about it. Ask about the exercises which you can easily carry out.
  •  Always remember, warm up is very necessary before doing any exercise. Relax your body after exercising. Do only mild exercises which will keep your body flexible. Don’t feel overexcited to do vigorous exercises which can lead to injuries.
  •  Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day to keep fit. If you’re not able to exercise every single day, then you can carry out the exercise 5 days a week.
  •  Maintain the water level in your body. It is utterly important to keep yourself hydrated. It is important to drink a glass of water before and after exercise. But don’t drink water immediately after exercising. Wait for half an hour before having a glass of water. It is even better to have glucose water. Water is important to maintain moisture in our body cells and tissues.
  •  Women often complain about a backache and body during the pregnancy. This is yet another reason why they should be doing mild exercises. You can also in a short and refreshing walk outside your house or on your terrace.
  •  Don’t indulge yourself in vigorous exercises during the hot and humid days.
  •  However, it is advised to everyone to do some physical activities even during the normal phase. But it is even more important during pregnancy as it allows fresh air to enter your lungs. This keeps the mother and the baby healthy.

Ways to Exercise

  •  Yoga: women keep on gaining weight during their prenatal period. This sometimes disables women to do exercises which involve flexibility. But despite these barriers, you can try some mild yoga poses. If you practice yoga daily, you will feel more refreshed and energized as it improves the blood circulation in the body and maintains sugar level. You can learn the pregnancy yoga poses through online videos or the Yoga DVDs available in the market.
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  •  Walking: walking is the best exercise for the pregnant woman. Go for a brisk walk two times a day.
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  •  Swimming: swimming is the exercise which involves each and every muscle of the body. It also refreshes the mind. It is a good exercise to be carried out during pregnancy. Nowadays there are many swimming centers which are made especially for the pregnant woman.
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  •  Weight Lifting: lifting weights imparts energy to our body and improves stamina. It also improves the flexibility of our muscles. Pregnant women should be careful while lifting weights and don’t lift heavy weights. Lift weights under expert’s supervision.
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These are the exercises which you can practice during your pregnancy. But read the tips carefully and ask your doctor about it.

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