Top 10 Tricks To Get A Flat Tummy


A flat tummy and a fit body structure is a dream of everyone. But the junk food we eat and the motionless and lazy life we lead, makes it almost impossible to get that flat tummy. It takes a lot of self-control on your part to get the desired results.

Wondering how to get that flat tummy and don’t know what to do? Then try out these kickass tricks to get that flat belly.
Can’t wait to know what it is? Then read on further.

1. Correct your posture

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Always try to sit in a straight manner, it improves your posture and prevents the accumulation of fat around your tummy. So, try to keep your posture right.

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2. Try to eat frequently

Image Source: enjoyyourhealthylife

Try to eat something every three to four hours. This will help to regulate the low blood sugar levels and metabolism and also prevents accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

3. Don’t forget the beauty sleep

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If you don’t get enough sleep then chances are there that you will feel tired and try to consume calorie loaded food. So, make sure you sleep at least for six to seven hours in the night.

4. Knock down sugars

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Sugars just add on extra calories to your diet and affect the metabolism. It’s time to say a big “NO” to all the delights and tasty snacks. Try it out, it would really help.

5. Lower the salt intake

Image Source: harvard

More intake of salts results in water retention. Also, try to lower your sodium intake. You can add flavour to your food using herbs and spices.

6. Beat the stress

Image Source: huffpost

Stress and anxiety lead to the production of a hormone called as cortisol which boosts weight gain around the belly. Try to remain cool and positive.

7. Workout

Image Source: worldswimsuit

Working out daily will help you achieve the flat tummy with a perfect healthy diet. Try doing many repetitions of crunches and pushups.

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8. Watch your diet

Image Source: vaccinealliance

Try to intake healthy food like veggies and fruit instead of fried and calorie loaded food which add inches to your waistline.

9. Say goodbye to alcohol

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If you want a flat tummy then stay away from alcohol because regular consumption makes your stomach feel bloated. Drinking occasionally is fine but keep a check on the amount.

10. Drink water

Image Source: quotemaster

It’s very important to keep your body hydrated. A hydrated body is the key to good health. Try to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.


CH Mini
CH Mini
A die hard fan of Chainsmoker with a motto to live the life absolutely king size. Though Mini is an expert in killing jokes, she loves writing. And when she is not scribbling, you will find her in a corner with headphones on and watching Netflix television shows.

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