Betel leaf or as commonly known, ‘Pan Ka Patta’, is not just for chewing as a mouth freshener or an after-meal delicacy to refresh your mood. But it has many benefits that help to treat numerous diseases as well.
Since the ancient times, betel leaves are being used as a medicinal ingredient and many even use it in Poojas, like in marriages and rituals.
Apart from all that, we will tell you about multiple qualities that these heart-shaped, perennial and evergreen betel leaves possess that are useful in treating many diseases and conditions.
Here are the 7 medicinal benefits that Paan K Patte has on for our body.
1. Heals Wounds
Betel leaves have great antioxidants present in it, and that helps the wounds to heal faster. All you need to do is apply the betel leaf juice on the wound and cover it with a clean betel leaf, and bandage it at last. This will speed up the healing process.
image source: solmed
2. Relieves Joint Pain
Betel leaves are anti-inflammatory, and that helps to relieve joint pain effectively. Apply the juice of betel leaves externally, on your joints, and you will soon begin to feel the relief in pain, especially if you are suffering from arthritis.
image source: med-x
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3. Instantly Cures Indigestion
Betel leaves are loaded with gastroprotective, carminative, and anti-flatulent properties, that improves your digestion. It also helps to trigger the absorption of nutrients and minerals to facilitate better digestion.
image source: .theayurveda
4. Rescue for Bad Breath
Betel leaves are antimicrobial in nature which makes them effective in eliminating odor from your mouth and kills the bacteria that is responsible for causing bad breath. And it also helps in restoring the pH level of your mouth.
image source: i.huffpost
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5. Aids in Weight Loss
Betel leaves are rich in fibre content that helps in aiding weight loss. They boost the metabolism in your body, relieves constipation and increases the secretion of digestive juices in your body. It is also helpful in flushing out the excess water and toxins from your body as well.
image source: vibrant-living
6. Cures Sore Throat
Betel leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, that helps to treat sore throat better. Take a few crushed betel leaves mixed with honey, regularly.
image source: thelifesquare
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7. Treats Erectile Dysfunction in Men
Known as ‘Dhwaja Bhanga’ as per the Ayurveda, the erectile dysfunction in men can be improved using the betel leaves. With great medicinal properties, paan ke patte relaxes the blood vessels in your body and also are effective in working as anti-depressants. Chew at least 1-2 betel leaves after meal, at any time of the day.
image source: improve
So, do you still think that chewing pan is bad for your health? Of course, over-consumption of anything proves to be harmful to your body, so it is suggested you keep a checked consumption or usage of the betel leaves, for healthier results.