10 Things You Can ‘Eat a Lot’ to Lose Weight!


Yes, you heard it right. This might be the first time when we’re asking you to ‘Eat a Lot’ to lose weight. It’s just like a dream come true for the ones who are dying to lose some pounds. So you don’t need to starve yourself anymore to get in shape. The major mistake we make is eating the wrong things at a wrong time. Binge eating is not that bad at all if you eat the right things. Being on a diet means eating selectively, not abstaining from food till the end of the time. So here are 10 such superfoods you can eat a lot if you want to lose some weight.

1. Almonds
It is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Apart from this, it also contains a lot of fibres. It keeps you full for longer times thus satiating your hunger. Swap your morning snack with a hand full of almonds.

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2. Potatoes
It’s high time to break the myths now! If you boil the potatoes and keep them for some time, they develop resistant starch. It is a type of fibre which keeps you full and prevents you from eating other things.

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3. Green Leafy Veggies
If you’re having water retention in your body, then chances are that you’re gaining too much weight recently. Green leafy veggies are the quickest way to flush out the retained water from the body. They are also rich in fibre and are low in calories. What else do you need?

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4. Avocados
Not all fats are your enemies! If you eat the right kind of fats, you’ll never gain weight. Oleic acid is found in avocado which suppresses the hunger for a longer time. Eat half of this fruit every morning to lose belly fat.

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5. Olive Oil
Yes, olive oil is on the list as well. You can replace your regular cooking oil with olive oil as it also contains oleic acid which is a superb appetite-suppressant.

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6. Dark Chocolate
If you’re having a sweet tooth, then this might come to you as the best news of the day. You can eat a square or two of dark chocolate to satiate your dessert cravings. It also calms your hunger down and makes you feel fuller.

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7. Eggs and Sausages
Eggs and chicken lovers will rejoice this news. Sausages and eggs are rich in proteins which are excellent for breakfast. If you eat an adequate amount of protein in the morning, you’ll eat comparatively lesser throughout the day.

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8. Beans
Beans also come with a bunch of nutrients like proteins and fibres. They are low in calories and they release energy slowly. They also tone your muscles and bring down your cravings.

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9. Peppermint
Peppermint is known to have amazing healing properties. But it also aids digestion. It is very readily available in the form of tea. You can consume 3 cups of peppermint tea a day to keep you weighing scale under control.

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10. Apple Cider Vinegar
This is a very known tonic to kill the bacteria and detoxify the body. It flushes the toxins out of your body and prevents water retention in your stomach. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it daily. You can also use it as a salad dressing.

Lose Weight10Image Source: nymag

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