3 Unknown Benefits of Donating Blood


Raktdaan matlab Jeevandaan. You can save a life by donating blood. but do you know that the blood you donate to save someone’s life gives a new life to you as well? and no, we’re not talking in the spiritual terms. It does give you a feeling of self-satisfaction of doing such a great thing. But apart from this, it is good for your health as well. People have absorbed this misconception that donating blood will deprive your own body of blood. They think it will cause weakness. But the weakness caused initially after blood donation will vanish away in no time.

Benefits of Donating Blood 1Image Source: bishnoiyuva

Blood donation is not only a social service, but it also gives you some personal benefits. You must be unaware of those benefits that accompany blood donation.

1. It reduces the risk of heart attack
If you donate blood regularly then the iron levels in your body are regulated. Just like deficiency of iron can be detrimental to your health, similarly excess of iron in blood is harmful to you. That’s why regular blood donation reduces the chances of heart diseases. It can save you from the risk of untimely heart attacks.

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Benefits of Donating Blood2Image Source: heartdiseasevanquisher

2. It reduces the risk of cancer
If you donate blood regularly, then apart from other diseases, it also reduces the risk of cancer.

Benefits of Donating Blood3Image Source: blogspot

3. It controls your body weight
Regular blood donation also maintains your body weight. Normally, a healthy person should donate blood every 3-4 month.

Benefits of Donating Blood4Image Source:

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