4 Signs of Breast Cancer That You DIDN’T Know but You Should!


Most of the women who’ve been diagnosed with cancer have complained about the same thing; they felt a lump that wasn’t there before. This lump ultimately turned out into cancer. That’s why women are told to be familiar with their breasts so that they can report any changes going on in them.

signs-of-breast-cancer1Image Source: mercedcancersociety

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But the lump isn’t the ONLY symptom of breast cancer. There are many other signs that indicate towards breast cancer. A report revealed that one in six women who were diagnosed with cancer saw the symptoms other than a lump in the breast. The less-common symptoms are not much known to women. These symptoms delay the diagnosis of breast cancer in the women. Earlier diagnosis means earlier treatment which can result in better recovery.

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Here are some unknown symptoms of breast cancer that you SHOULD know…

1. Dimpled or Scaly Skin
Dimpled skin is a rough patch of skin that feel thicker than the usual skin. If it starts to get dimpled or wrinkled, this signals towards breast cancer. This happens because in some breast cancers the channels that go from inside of the breast to the skin gets blocked. This changes the skin of your breast and makes it look like an orange peel.

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2. Swelling
Any swelling in the breasts shouldn’t be ignored. There can be lump lurking beneath the surface of your breast. This can lead to changes in the shape of size of your breast. These lumps can be painful as well.

signs-of-breast-cancer3Image Source: fthmb.tqn

3. Nipple Changes
Some kind of breast cancers can cause the nipple inversions or retraction. In such case, the nipple turns inwards. This happens when a huge mass is growing inside your breasts. 7 percent of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer complained about the nipple abnormalities.

signs-of-breast-cancer4Image Source: positivemed

4. Nipple Discharge
It is possible that your nipple can discharge fluid that’s probably not milk. Nipple discharge doesn’t always mean cancer. But the chances are there. It is very important to see a doctor in such case. If you squeeze your nipple and you see some discharge and it is bloody, then contact your doctor immediately.

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signs-of-breast-cancer5Image Source: breast360

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