5 Skin care Tips for You If You’re Too Lazy!


Who doesn’t want a radiant skin? And if we’re talking about women, it gets even more obvious. There would be hardly any woman who’s not conscious about her looks. From going to the parlour to home remedies, there’s nothing that a woman doesn’t do to get her desired skin. But there is some kind of women who are rather lazy. They would prefer sleeping over these beauty treatments. They do think a lot about their skin but are often defeated by their own laziness woes. So our today’s article is exclusively meant for that section of women who can’t get out of their bed, even for their skin.

Skin care tips for lazy girl1Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/

1. If you have an oily skin, be patient
If you want the clear and glowing skin, then drink lots of water. This is a sure shot remedy to get clear skin. Drinking water not only keeps your skin hydrated but also improves your digestion. You should drink at least 3 litres of water every day.

Skin care tips for lazy girl2Image Source: https://virginpure.com/

2. Wash your face with cold water
Whenever you get back home, wash your face with cold water. It’s not necessary to wash your face with face wash each time. Cold water will remove the superficial dirt sitting on your face. Using face much more than twice a day will cause your skin to dry up.

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Skin care tips for lazy girl3Image Source: https://botoxjuvedermdoctor.com/

3. Get adequate sleep
Sleep is an important factor in getting glowing skin. Sleep is the natural recharge of our skin. So getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night is necessary to wake up looking fresh next morning.

Skin care tips for lazy girl4Image Source: https://www.healthnewsline.net/

4. Avoid getting out in the sun between 1-3 pm.
This time of the day is the most harmful for our skin. During this time, the UV index is very high. Getting out in the sun between 1-3 pm can cause severe tanning on your skin.

Skin care tips for lazy girl5Image Source: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/

5. Have a Balanced Diet
If you can’t pay much attention to your skin care routine, then at least you should be careful about your eating regimen. Eat a balanced diet and have lots of fruits and green veggies every day.

Skin care tips for lazy girl6Image Source: https://www.teluguone.com/

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