7 Super Healthy Habits Every Woman Must Follow


There is one major difference that separates a healthy individual from a not so healthy one and it is their habits. There are these set of habits that most of the healthy individuals follow to keep their overall health and life balanced. Today we have mentioned some of the habits that you must follow in your life being a woman. Look out for habits that you already follow and make it a point to adopt the ones, you still haven’t.

1. Eat for your health- The best way to plan your diet is to eat in a way to keep yourself healthy and not for losing weight. A lot of times we restrict our diet to such extremities where we don’t let ourselves indulge in little pleasures of life such as having an ice cream with a friend or having your favourite pizza. This is wrong. Your aim should be to eat everything but in moderation. It is very important to be aware of the portion size for everything you eat and you are never going to put on weight. When you forcefully don’t let your body have something it leads to even bigger cravings which are very difficult to avoid. So do keep your focus on eating healthy but don’t let go of the food item you love to eat. Just remember that moderation is the key.

Healthy Habits 1Image Source: ladmedia

2. Meditate every day- Meditation helps in boosting your concentration level, stamina, brain power while improving your overall well-being. The cardio, aerobics, pilates, etc. must be great for our body but the effect that meditation has on your brain as well as your body in incomparable. Continue with your gym workout if that’s what you love but then do include 10-15 minutes of meditation in your day too.

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Healthy Habits 2Image Source: staraniowy

3. Appreciate yourself- You cannot rely on other people to appreciate you or your work and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. No one in this world owes you anything and thus it shouldn’t matter if you are getting recognition or not. You are the one who has to take this initiative and appreciate yourself for all the good you do and it will make you feel better and happy about yourself.

Teenage girl wearing heart sunglassesImage Source: drkatharina

4. Never skip breakfast- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That being said it also one of the meals which are skipped by a majority of people. Skipping breakfast can be really bad for your overall health and may also lead to several health-related issues such as obesity. Thus make it a point to have breakfast. Even when you are running late you can always grab a fruit and eat it on the go.

Healthy Habits 4Image Source: healthnadvise

5. Include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet- By including fresh seasonal produce in your diet you are putting a lot of nutrients in your body. It is also a great way to detoxify your system and keep it healthy. Thus make sure to include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as this keep your gut clean, skin clear and metabolism high.

Healthy Habits 5Image Source: beautyhealthtips

6. Do not smoke- We all know that smoking is injurious to health and has way too many drawbacks. It causes cancer, damages your physique, makes your skin look dull, reduces your appetite and so much more. So many ill effects and not even a single good thing about it. Isn’t all this enough to make you quit smoking?

Young woman breaking cigaretteImage Source: huffpost

7. Indulge in some serious physical activity- Make sure to get your body moving and for that, you must indulge in some hardcore physical exercises. You can do whatever you like, from swimming to kickboxing to dancing. It is totally up to you. but make sure to increase your heart rate than normal for at least 30 minutes every day.

Healthy Habits 7Image Source: grouponcdn

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