4 Scientifically Proven Foods That Boost Testosterone Levels


Testosterone levels start dipping down with age. It is a well known fact that testosterone is an essential hormone. It not only affects the reproductive system but also many tissues. It plays a vital role in promoting cardiovascular health, building muscle, maintaining hormonal balance, and controlling the metabolic rate.

It is a well-known fact that testosterone level can be maintained by eating few foods which helps in production of the hormone.

We are further discussing some super foods for increasing the testosterone levels:

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A chief constituent which must be included in diet is healthy dietary fats. Testosterone production depends on fats for its structure formation. Testosterone utilizes fatty acids as a building block.

It is further about eating healthy fats. You can always go for grass fed meats (i.e., meat from animals who feed on grass rather than feeding on grains) for ensuring that good quality fat leads to the testosterone production.

Grass fed meats have high nutritional value. They do not contain compounds which can disturb the balance of testosterone and estrogen. Apart from grass fed meat, include the following foods in diet to enhance your testosterone levels:

1. Eggs


Eggs are a good source of cholesterol. Fats in eggs are not considered bad. According to studies, cholesterol in eggs doesn’t increase the serum cholesterol levels. It doesn’t increase the blood pressure. Cholesterol is used as a building block for further making more testosterone. Eggs are good sources of protein since they contain all essential amino acids. So, it is advised to eat raw eggs as heating will decompose away its nutrients.

2. Oysters (Zinc)


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It is a famous natural food which can improve testosterone production. It further completes the list of foods which boost the testosterone levels. It is considered as an aphrodisiac. It has a huge content of zinc which further makes it a great testosterone enhancer. Other minerals like magnesium, selenium, vitamin D and copper, are also present in oysters which makes it an excellent food for enhancing testosterone.

3. Olive Oil


It plays an important part in Mediterranean cuisine. People living in the Mediterranean region who are consuming olive oil are healthier. It also enhances the testosterone levels in men. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and it further enhances testosterone production. According to a study, after consuming olive oil regularly for two weeks, testosterone level increased by 17%. Olive oil is an anti-inflammatory agent and it has antioxidant effects. Coconut oil is also a healthy oil which a person should have. The saturated fat present helps in boosting the hormone levels.

4. Butter


Well, most people think of butter as unhealthy. However, it is margarine which is produced from omega 6 vegetable oils which causes damage. Butter provides healthy saturated fats to the body which can be used for testosterone production. Other nutrients obtained from butter are Vitamin D, Vitamin E , and Vitamin K2 and Vitamin A which helps in boosting the testosterone levels.

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