Benefits of Ginger for Hair – How To Use & Things To Know


Ginger is a common spice, which has been used for medical reasons for many years. The roots of Zingiber officinale are used for gastrointestinal and inflammation diseases in both conventional and traditional practices.

You might have also read important information about ginger’s power to promote hair and the scalp health. Ginger might have anti-inflammatory properties for scalp problems. Some clinical investigations have revealed that few compounds can decrease hair growth.

It is important to know more about ginger and its uses before self-treating the dermatologic conditions.

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Ginger benefits for hair

In long-term, hair care practices are as important as those implemented in skin care. Ginger is not considered a general medical treatment for keeping the hair healthy, but some claim that this spice might improve the hair growth.

Improve hair growth


In Asian medicine, ginger is used to promote hair growth. But, some research has shown that no scientific evidence has yet proven that ginger helps in treating baldness.

Some focus on the health benefits of ginger for scalp inflammation. It is found that when scalp conditions clear, hair growth might improve. Still, similar benefits are anecdotal.

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Slow hair loss


There is lacking scientific proof that ginger might slow the rate of the hair loss. Consuming ginger for the hair and scalp health might lead to the improvement in appearance, but there is little that could be done to minimize hair loss once it has started.

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It is important to note that certain cases of hair loss are related to hair conditions, which natural treatments such as ginger might not be of help treat.

Strengthens hair root


While some evidence says that the hair growth benefits of ginger, some clinical evidence revealed completely opposite effects.

A study showed that a compound in ginger is found to promote hair growth in humans. Based on this result, it is concluded that ginger can help inhibit hair growth or intentionally remove hair.

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Removes dandruff


One of the most common scalp issues is dandruff and ginger is the solution to that. It has antiseptic properties which help get rid of dandruff. You need to mix two spoons of fresh grated ginger with three spoons of olive oil and sesame and a dash of some lemon juice. Massage the scalp with it and then rinse it off in about 15-30 minutes. Repeat this thrice a week in order to get the dandruff-free scalp.

Tackles dryness


Dryness causes hair to become slightly brittle, and it result in breakage. Ginger is as a natural conditioner, which removes dryness by restoring moisture to the hair. However, there is limited scientific evidence to prove the effect.

Nourishes hair with fatty acids


Ginger contains chains of fatty acid, like linoleic acid, which nourish the hair, keeping it strong and healthy.

While the properties of ginger make it a good hair growth ingredient, there is some confusion when question comes to what type of ginger is used in remedies.

How to use ginger in hair

The internet is full of several recipes which help with hair growth. While scientifically not revealed, applying ginger to the scalp and hair could be an invigorating experience. Find here a few methods to try.

Ginger oil


Ginger also comes in the form of extract or essential oil, the latter needs to be diluted with some carrier oil before using. Use the product on the scalp and hair for an invigorating aroma. Rinse it after about 15 to 30 minutes.

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Ginger juice


Ginger juice is extracted directly from ginger root. Cut off an edge of fresh root and then massage directly onto the scalp. Another method is to mix the root in a blender and then apply all over the hair.

Ginger hair mask


To make ginger hair mask, you need to use essential oil, ginger juice, or extract combined with some parts of carrier oil, like coconut, argan, jojoba. Massage into scalp and cover the hair completely. Place a cap over the hair and then leave on for about 30 minutes before rinsing.

If treating your scalp only, you might add acidic substance to the mask, such as lemon, yogurt, and apple cider vinegar.

Ginger supplements


Ginger supplements are found in the form of capsules, teas, and tablets. When consuming ginger, follow all product guidelines carefully and discontinue it if any gastrointestinal side effects experienced.

Speak with the doctor before having supplements of any type. Remember that ginger supplements have not been scientifically related to hair growth.

Since some over-the-counter hair growth remedies exist, consumers are turning to traditional methods to test their luck.

Ginger, though sold online, is not scientifically proven to promote the hair growth or prevent the hair loss. You might benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties if you have any scalp conditions.

Despite the reality that ginger is a good natural substance, it can show side effects in a few people. It is a good idea to consult a doctor, especially if you have medications or show any pre-existing conditions.

A ginger-mixed hair mask could be aromatic and refreshing. Still, you might not see any major hair effects.

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