What Is Brown Sugar? Is It Good For Diabetes?


Although many individuals associate brown foods with nutrition and health, brown sugar should not be considered the healthy alternative to other sweeteners. In terms of weight, the caloric and carbohydrates values are little less than the white granulated sugar, but the brown sugar still could have a major role in changing the blood glucose levels. Consuming too much of brown sugar could generally cause high blood sugar levels, or even hyperglycemia, and the diabetics should avoid the hyperglycemia episodes as far as possible.

What is brown sugar?

People usually consider that brown-colored foods are more natural and whole grain. While you may consider the brown sugar to be even more natural than the other sugars, it definitely does not get the coloration from the whole grains. Also, the brown sugar’s coloration generally comes from the molasses that are added during its processing in different amounts to give it a unique taste and flavor as well as cooking properties. The brown sugar is simply as refined as the granulated sugar.

Is brown sugar good for diabetes?


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Diabetes is the health condition in which the blood sugar level becomes very high. Also, the sugar which we consume as a part of our normal food is transported to body cells by the important hormone, insulin. When an individual suffers from diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or are not able to use insulin properly. Thus, it’s mandated for the people with diabetes to jus restrict their sugar consumption. Not just persons with diabetes, high sugar consumption is not good for anyone. An increased in the sugar levels is often linked to heart diseases, weight gain, as well as damaged kidneys and the eyes.

Although there are some differences between these two, they have much similar nutrition profiles. Also, white and brown sugars are obtained from same plant, sugar beet or sugarcane plants. In fact, the brown sugar is simply refined white sugar containing molasses that gives it a unique brown color. Although quite different in color and taste, both brown sugar as well as white sugars, are very high in carbohydrates and calories. Also, the single nutritional difference between these two is that the brown sugar has calcium, potassium, and iron due to added molasses; whereas the amount of the nutrients is very less that the overall benefits received from the single serving are considered insignificant. The brown sugar is known to contain a lower carbohydrate and calorie level; but the differences in the amount are very small.

Limit your brown sugar intake

If you are a little health-conscious and count the total calories for every meal and also think of healthier choices before purchasing anything from supermarket and you also find picking up the packet of the brown sugar for your recipe, you have often fallen for the marketing gimmick. Yes, the white sugar has many harmful effects however there are no impressing health benefits of the brown counterpart. So, if you are a diabetic, you are always advised to limit your sugar intake as much as possible, let it be any type of sugars. To not compromise on the taste, you could always switch to the natural as well as artificial sweetener in the place of sugar.

If you are suffering from diabetes, only way you could control this condition is by effectively monitoring the diet and also sticking to food plan suggested by the doctor or nutritionist by keeping strict watch on your average weight, doing regular exercise, sleeping properly and also not taking the stress. Also, as the saying goes, the health is wealth so we should do anything to protect this most valuable asset.

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