4 Tips to Lose Weight By Walking Every Day

Earlier, it was very common to see people walking briskly and jogging in the park in the morning during Sunrise. Parks and pavements were fully occupied by people trying to lose their weight. In...

7 Super Ways To Better Your Brain, According To Neuroscientist

As we get older, our brain also changes with age and our thinking ability and memory also change because of degradation of the hippocampal neuronal cell. Also, the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible...

7 Butt Exercise For Super-Toned Shape

Everyone wants to be in good shape but it varies from person to person. While men mostly focus on chest & arms, girls like to sculpt perfect buttocks so that they can wear those...

How to Effectively Get Rid of Itchy Ringworms?

Skin being the largest organ in the body which is bearing continuously the brunt of the environment. Skin being the most sensitive body part gets infected when it comes in contact with the infected...

Tips To Get A Slimmer Waist Without Much Effort

Having a smaller waist is been desired for many peoples and especially women. Having a smaller waist not only boost your confidence but also can make you more attractive and a happy person. Having too much...

8 Carbohydrate Containing Foods That Reduce Body Weight

Fats and Carbohydrates increase body weight. The increased body weight can be reduced after cutting down foods such as carbohydrates and fats. It is possible to cut down fat by avoiding consumption of fatty...

Eat These 6 Vegetables And Fruits To Stay Hydrated

As per a recent study, it was found that there are certain fruits and vegetables that help you keep hydrated all day long. And they are as effective as drinking a glassful of water. With...

5 Blood Thinning Foods To Reduce Blood Clots And Risk Of Stroke

Blood thickness can depend on various factors. Your red blood cells count and an increase in low-density lipids level (LDL) in the bloodstream can make your blood thicker. Other factors like smoking, diabetes, chronic...

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