Foods that are Harmful for your Skin – Check out!


While we always keep on talking about latest fashions and make-up trends, let us today talk about some foods. Yes you read right, today I am going to tell about those foods that are not good for your skin and make your skin look dull. While you might know about few that are healthy, here are those that do exactly the opposite. And you were thinking that your new skin cream is responsible for those acne break-outs! Gosh!

Here is the list and see what all foods are guilty of the crime 😉 Yes they harm your beauty and this is no less than a crime.

White Foods like Bread!

White Foods like Bread!

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Did you think that these foods would make to the list first? Foods high in glycemic content like white breads, potatoes are responsible for making your skin acne prone. Apart from letting your body gain unnecessary weight, they also make your skin all oily. So if you want to avoid inviting acne then you would require avoiding them now.

Too Much Salt is also Bad!

Too Much Salt is also Bad!

Ok, this isn’t food but is bad for you! Salt makes our body retain water and then we begin looking puffy. Not only body but the after results can be found on face as well. So you need to be very careful about its consumption. Ditch those canned and processed foods if you do not want to haunt your BF one fine day!

Dairy Products, Yes They too!

Dairy Products, Yes They too!

While we think that milk is good for our skin, but not for all! Yes, sometimes milk is the reason why our skin is inviting further breakouts. So, if you have been feeling that the number of acne on your face has increased, try skipping milk for a day or two. It won’t help you directly, but you can see the changes.

Too Much Booze!

Too Much Booze!

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You are a party bird and love drinking until late night, but do you know this is making your skin dull? Yes too much booze can such the moisture from your face and make it look almost lifeless. Apart from this, next day you too can see the disastrous results on your face in the form of puffiness and red eyes.

So I would suggest you to stay away from these foods if you want to manage healthy and beautiful skin. Good luck 🙂

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