Here’s Why Sleeping with Your Underwear On Is a Bad Idea!


Have you been sleeping with your underwear on? well, this is a common thing which we’re all expected to do. But it isn’t necessary that things we’re all doing collectively are the right thing to do. Do you know how much trouble you’re trapping inside your body when you’re sleeping with your underwear on? yes, your underwear traps all the dirt and bacteria from your vagina. Plus, it is the one who bears all of your vaginal discharge. The fabric of the underwear these days acts like an icing on the cake. They are not at all sweat-free. They don’t allow your inner regions to breathe. This is the reason why it is advised to wear cotton pyjamas or gowns while sleeping. Cotton fabric doesn’t lead to sweat-retention and itching.

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Sleeping with Underwear1Image Source: xonecole

When you’re sleeping with your panties on, which you wore in the morning, there are chances that you might contract vaginal infections. Infections are more likely to happen if it’s summer time. Not only women but also men are advised to sleep in loose pants or cotton underwear. Your private parts are entrapped in those tight fitting panties. They need to feel free and breathe in some fresh air. So make it the night time for them to breathe freely in the air.

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Sleeping with Underwear2Image Source: lurewear

Wearing the same underwear for a full day is also not advisable. It can lead to irritation, inflammation and severe chaffing in your pubic region. So letting go of your underwear at night is the best way to allow your vagina breathe free while you sleep comfortably. The other benefit of letting go of your panties for some time is temperature optimization. It allows your body to normalize your body temperature. So just as you like to live free, your vagina wants to breathe in some fresh air of respite.

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