Consume Mint Tomatoes And Carrots To Get A Flat Belly


Nowadays most of the people are worried about putting on some extra weight. These people are always looking for effective ways which could actually help them to get rid of those excess fats. Internet, magazines, family as well as friends, those people often leave no stones unturned as far as it comes to getting information on weight loss.

But the reality of losing some weight is that weight loss up to some extent depends on two things- a well-balanced diet and workout. Also, your weight loss would depend 80 percent on the diet and so it is very essential to keep a regular check on what you consume on a daily basis.

So if you aim to lose extra weight you need to maintain a very healthy diet and control the overall portion size. Read this article to know the below-mentioned hacks to know more about this.

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Drink ice cold water


Apart from above-mentioned methods, you need to start drinking cold water. The reason behind drinking the ice cold water is that as you drink cold water the overall temperature of the body often falls. In order to restore the normal temperatures, your body begins to burn extra calories, hence helping you in losing some extra weight.

Also read: Is Papaya Good For Weight Loss? Check it Out!

Fennel water


Drinking fennel water early in the morning on an empty stomach also helps in losing the extra fat. Soak one tsp. of the fennel seeds in one glass of fresh water overnight and also drink this pure water in the morning.

Drink green tea


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It is loaded with several antioxidants and is an excellent way to boost your overall metabolism, which finally helps in losing your weight. Along with that the green tea is a great alternative to regular tea and coffee as this doesn’t have sugar or dairy product in them. Most green teas also contain zero calories and so are too perfect for many people who are on weight loss journey.

Also read: How To Use Sabja Seeds For Weight Loss? Benefits & Side Effects

Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar has beta-carotene that helps in melting the extra fat from the body. Drink one tbsp. apple cider vinegar taken with a glass of fresh water in the morning and night before having your dinner for three months. Your total fat and abdominal fat, in particular, will help reduce effectively.

Boiled apple, coriander juice, and bottle gourd

Coriander juice helps in improving the overall functioning of the kidneys. On the other side, this juice of bottle gourd will help in keeping you complete full for longer period of time as it has lots of fiber. The apple juice is even great for your weight loss as it is loaded with high fiber and iron.

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