15 Side Effects of Banana You Should Be Aware of!


All over the globe, these sweet and creamy fruit is famous for their remarkable health benefits. Bananas are one among the world’s most consumed fruits and are full of essential nutrients which help prevent many physiological and psychological issues. While most of us may consume excess bananas, have you ever thought of the side effects they cause?

Although they have numerous health benefits, there’re certain side effects associated with consuming bananas which you should know. Here are 15 of them:

1.   Risk of type 2 diabetes


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Bananas are known as medium-level glycemic food, which means they have the ability to cause increase in your blood sugar level. As the overconsumption of this fruit with a high glycemic index could increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity, , you should control your intake of banana.

2.  Gas


Consumption of bananas can result in gas. They have soluble fiber as well as fructose, which can cause gas. In case you suddenly increase the intake of fiber or eat it in huge amounts, it takes more effort for the large intestines to break down fiber, and it can hence cause gas. In the case of fructose, when taken in excess amount, the body cannot digest it.

3.  Constipation


We known that bananas help in bowel movements, but this depends on how ripe the bananas you eat. Unripe bananas are rich in resistant starch that increases the risk of constipation. They also contain tannic acid which has an inhibitory impact on the digestive system. Tannic acid limits the secretion of gastrointestinal fluids and limits gastrointestinal motility. A ripe-banana can help increase constipation. Bananas have been found to be constipation-causing foods.

4.  Anaphylactic shock


Some people allergic to bananas may also experience unwanted immune response after a drop in blood pressure. The respiratory trouble inhibits blood oxygen level from rising, and people can experience shock. Look out for symptoms like reduced or increased pulse rate, light-headedness, and even faintness. A study conducted by Journal of Medical Case Reports shows extreme cases of banana allergies can happen in infants. The study also suggests while introducing solid foods to babies, parents should be cautious and must consider banana as an allergen.

5.  Abdominal pain


If you eat bananas that are not ripe enough, you might have a severe stomach pain. You might also experience nausea along with abdominal pain. Unripe bananas have a high amount of resistant starch which takes a long time for your body to digest. You may even experience vomiting or diarrhea.

6.  Respiratory problems


Another condition that is caused due to allergy is inflammation might constrict airways and also cause respiratory problems. It might result in more difficulty in swallowing or breathing.

7.  Hypersensitivity in people allergic to latex


As per a study by the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, individuals who are allergic to latex show hypersensitivity to bananas. Symptoms like runny nose, wheezing, coughing, watery eyes, and itchy throat, are common with allergy.

8.  Ragweed allergy


Ragweed allergy is a common condition that leads your immune system to react in case you inhale ragweed pollen grains. A person showing this allergy has symptoms like irritated throat, swollen lips, and swollen tongue. People who are suffering from ragweed allergy may experience same symptoms after consumption of bananas.

9.  Nerve damage


As bananas contain vitamin B6, their overconsumption may result in nerve damage. As per the University of Maryland Medical Center, eating more than 100 mg of vitamin B-6 without prescription could lead to nerve damage. However, the chances of nerve damage through banana intake are rare unless you are a gym visitor with a banana obsession or when you participate in a banana eating competition.

10.           Drowsiness


What you did not know was that a banana can make people feel drowsy, even if they just began the day. They are very rich in tryptophan which is an amino acid which can reduce mental performance and overall reaction time, besides from making you feel sleepy. They also have high doses of magnesium, which aids muscle relaxation. These wonderful properties make them a healthy snack before bedtime.

11.           Tooth decay


Being rich in starch, bananas may cause tooth decay if you do not maintain dental hygiene. According to some studies, bananas may be even more harmful for your oral health when compared to chocolates and chewing gum. Starch dissolves slowly inside mouth whereas sugar dissolves quickly. So, when you eat bananas, their particles sit between the teeth for two hours and so attract large number of bacteria, resulting in too many cavities.

12.           Hyperkalemia


Hyperkalemia is a condition which caused due to high potassium level in blood and can be identified by symptoms like nausea, uneven pulse rate, and irregular heartbeat which can lead to heart attack. As per a study, a dosage of potassium more than 18 gram could cause hyperkalemia in adults. There are some diet plans like GM diet which includes excess intake of bananas. If you properly follow such diet, you could be calling for trouble.

13.           Migraine


If you are troubled by excruciating migraine attack, you might want to avoid having bananas in your daily diet. Tyramine, a compound found in foods like cheese, meat, fish, and bananas can cause migraine headaches. As banana peels has more tyramine than banana pulp, remain extra cautious about excluding the pieces of peel from the fruit before eating.

14.           Weight gain


Bananas have lesser calories, but, they have enough calories to make you overweight. That is if you do not keep a control on your portion sizes.

A medium-sized banana has 105 calories. So, if you are looking for a low-calorie food to indulge in few hours, bananas might not be the best choice. Instead, fruits with high water content such as watermelon, strawberries, peaches, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage, zucchini make for better snack choice. They have less calories and high fiber to keep you full for long.

15.           Sleepiness


Bananas have tryptophan, an amino acid which can help you sleep better. Carbohydrate in bananas blocks amino acids from entering into the brain, so there’s an influx of tryptophan which may lead to increase in the production of serotonin that is another cause for sleepiness. It also has magnesium which relaxes muscles that can be another trigger.

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