Dieting Rules You Must Follow In Order To Lose Weight


Dieting is one of those fitness/health related terms which is the most misunderstood of all. People often think of dieting as eating less and starving themselves. But in reality, dieting is all about maintaining a proper and healthy diet which comprises of all the vital nutrients and is well proportioned in terms of the calories as well. Today in this post we are going to share with you some of the basic do’s and don’ts of dieting if you want to lose weight.

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1. Cut down fat from your diet- The first thing that you want to do is get rid of the excess fat from your diet. I am saying excess fat because like every other nutrient your body need fats too so you don’t want to eliminate them completely. Try to include healthy and good fats in your diet, for example, try to eliminate all kind of fried food from your diet and use healthy oils such as olive oil and rice bran oil for cooking. Also, include dry fruits and nuts in your diet as these are a great source of healthy fats.

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2. Do not indulge in late night eating- If you are trying to lose weight then it is advisable to avoid having your dinner or anything for that matter after 7 or 8 in the evening. As the night grows closer the body’s metabolism starts to slow down, thus if you consume food during the late hours of the night then you are more likely to put on weight.

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Also Read: Things Not To Do When Trying To Lose Weight

3. Try to avoid certain food items- There are certain food items that are good for losing weight; while on the other hand there are food items which can mess up your weight loss journey. Try to include natural food items such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, lentils, whole grains, etc. In your diet as these will not only get absorbed by the body really well but they also help in losing weight. Junk food or processed food, on the other hand, will only make you put on weight along with the risk of several diseases.

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4. Work up that metabolism- We all have that one friend that eats like a crazy but still manages to stay slim. how? It is because their metabolism works much faster than others and therefore they do not put on any extra weight. Also consuming more calories than you actually need can also make you gain weight. So make sure to control your portion size and eat when you feel hungry.

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5. Avoid crash diet- Though it is important to control your diet but that does not mean that you have to starve yourself. Dieting means to eat healthy and keeping your portion size under control so that you don’t end up overeating. Going for crash diets is a very bad idea since the results are short term and can sometimes be very damaging for your health.

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Also Read: 8 Most Effective Tips To Lose Weight Without Dieting

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