Make These 5 Tasty and Healthy Tea to Keep Yourself Warm This Winters


There is this one reason why I love winters- Tea. Curling up in your quilt with a cup of hot tea to warm your hands, what will be a more apt definition of heaven than this? But are you pampering yourself with the same type of tea everyday? Why so unfair when you have so many options around you? Don’t worry! This winters, enjoy different types of tea that are both tasty and healthy. Here are some tips and tricks to brew a different type of tea every single day. Get your cups and kettles ready…

tasty-and-healthy-tea-1Image Source: cultureready

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1. Ginger Turmeric Tea for Cough and Cold
Our ancestors have been using this remedy since ages to get rid of cough and cold. Spicy and sweet taste of this tea awakens your senses. Add some honey, turmeric and a dash of lime with freshly grated ginger. It will boost your immune system in this winter season.

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2. Lavender Tea for Sound Sleep
Can’t sleep at night? Fancy a cup of lavender tea before going to bed. Add some dried mint sprigs to enhance the taste. Brew dried lavender flowers in a pot. Allow it to steep for few minutes. Have it without sugar.

tasty-and-healthy-tea-3Image Source: healthline

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3. Lemon Chamomile Tea for Stress
Your new job giving you dark circles? Have a cup of chamomile tea to ease your tensed nerves. Add lemon to boost immunity. Add some lemongrass, lemon balm, chamomile and lemon peel in a pot. Pour some boiling water and let it brew for few minutes.

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4. Lemongrass Tea for Vitamin C Boost
Take 2 tablespoons of rose hips, one lemongrass, hibiscus flowers and a cinnamon stick. Brew these ingredients in some boiling water for 10 minutes.

tasty-and-healthy-tea-5Image Source: curejoy

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5. Rose Tea for Detox
Roses are rich in vitamin C, polyphenols and antioxidants. It is also known to flush out toxins from the body. Mix some dried rose leaves with your regular tea leaves. Steep in some boiling water. And it is done!

tasty-and-healthy-tea-6Image Source: herbalteasonline

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