11 Side Effects of Consuming Walnuts


Walnut is one of the richest sources of antioxidants and many other essential nutrients. However, everyone may not enjoy their goodness.

Like any other food, walnuts may cause some side effects, such as weight gain, asthma, ulcers. In this article, we will discuss these side effects and know what research says.

Major side effects of walnuts

1.Aggravates Ulcers


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As walnuts have high fiber content, they are likely to aggravate ulcers in individuals. However, more research would be required to proof this fact. Like other nuts, walnuts are very healthy. A research highlights their anti-inflammatory, anticancer, neuroprotective and cardio properties. But it is also important to consider the side effects and focus on moderation.

2.Causes chocking in children


Almost all nuts are associated with the risk of choking in children. Nuts are a little difficult for children to bite through, break down, and swallow safely. Not only this, they might get stuck in the windpipe. Walnuts are comparatively bigger than other nuts, so they may carry a higher risk. If your kid is below 8 years, you should avoid giving them whole nuts because they might be at risk of choking.

3.May induce weight gain

Walnuts are rich sources of fiber and the best food for weight loss. But they also have high calorie content. Seven walnuts have around 183 calories. Excess intake would mean more calories and may finally cause weight gain. Research shows that a diet supplemented having walnuts would lead to more daily energy intake. This can eventually lead to weight gain.

One of the ways to counter this risk is to plan your meal with walnuts instead of eating the nuts by themselves as four ounces of walnuts have around 740 calories. Though they are good sources of protein, you should not replace better protein sources such as eggs or meat with walnuts. Also, nuts need to be supplemented with animal proteins to have a complete amino acid profile. However, some research suggests that having more walnuts does not lead to weight gain.

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Some other research states walnuts activate a specific brain region that is involved in impulse control. This suggests walnuts would help you have better control over your cravings. In light of the mixed findings, you should consult your doctor about consuming walnuts.

4.Causes allergies


It is very common to experience allergies on nuts consumption. The symptoms may include difficulty in swallowing, nausea, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, itching of the mouth, eyes, and throat.

Anaphylaxis is the most serious allergic reaction. It affects breathing and also sends the body into the state of shock. You might experience a primary or a secondary allergy due to walnuts consumption. Primary allergies are caused due to direct intake of walnuts and their products, which can cause anaphylaxis. Secondary allergies are caused due to pollen, which interacts with walnuts because of cross-reactivity. The interaction is due to the similarities in the properties of proteins in the walnuts and pollen. The symptoms include swelling or itching of the mouth.

5.May cause digestive issues

The fiber in the nuts may lead to gastrointestinal issues if consumed in excess. Though walnuts (and nuts in general) may help treat digestive conditions, sometimes, they may aggravate the problem. Always consult your doctor before having walnuts if you have any digestive issues. Other common digestive side effects of tree nuts include diarrhea, bloating, and stomach pain. In a study involving walnuts, some participants reported different forms of gastrointestinal distress, such as bloating. Consuming more than one ounce of walnuts might cause this issue. Walnuts have high fiber and fat content (approx 30 grams of walnuts have two grams of fiber and around 20 grams of fat).

6.Leads to rashes and inflammation

Walnuts can cause swelling and inflammation in your arms and feet. More intake of walnut consumption may impure your blood and cause breakouts on the skin by creating rashes. People with allergic tendency must eat lesser walnuts as it can cause rashes and swelling too.

7.Increases risk of lip infection


Walnut can cause side effects on your lips. Applying walnut to the skin daily can cause lip infection. The infection may turn cancerous. This dry fruit has a compound cell juglone which makes the skin dry and malignant. The lip cells become malignant because of the sensitive skin in the body.

8.May affect breastfeeding

If you are nursing your baby, you should avoid eating excess walnuts. Doctors often recommend new mothers to not have walnuts as it can inhibit the production of your breast milk. Also, it can cause rashes in your post-pregnancy body.

9.Triggers asthma attack

Are you experiencing breathing problems? You should not consume walnuts in large amount. It can impair your respiratory system. So, have it in a moderate amount because it can harm the respiratory system by causing asthma. People who are allergic to walnuts are at greater risk of asthma attacks.

10.Causes nausea


Walnuts have antibodies which can stimulate white blood cells to release histamine. The histamine triggers allergic reactions like stomach pain, diarrhea, and nausea after eating walnuts.

11.Causes stomach problems


Fiber is good for keeping the digestive system healthy. You can get a small amount in a handful of walnuts. This is a fraction of recommended daily intake of 21 grams. It won’t cause an issue. But if you have a high-fiber diet, walnuts might work against you. Consuming more fiber in a short span of time can stress your digestive system. If the gut bacteria is not used to it, you will end up with bloating, gas, and diarrhea. You may even have stomach cramp. To prevent the side effects, avoid overconsumption of walnuts if you have foods rich in fiber. This includes raw veggies, whole fruits, whole wheat bread, legumes, and brown rice. You might also be eating a fiber supplement with added fiber. If so, have walnuts in moderation.

Making walnuts a part of daily diet is essential. The nuts have a number of benefits. Instead of having them by yourself, add them in your diet in different forms.
But if you are experiencing any medical condition, try to avoid their intake and consult your doctor.

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