Wrinkles around mouth or smoker’s lines are a common issue faced by most of the women due to their soft skin. Deep wrinkles around the mouth are considered as a sign of happiness as laughing can also lead to deep wrinkles. Also, dry skin, smoking, and sun exposure are some of the factors which can lead to such skin condition. So, this article lists natural ways to get rid of the wrinkles around mouth which are very effective and also free from any side effects.
1. Olive oil
Olive oil contains a very high amount of vitamin E that is known as the main ingredient for maintaining the healthy skin. Hence, to get rid of ugly wrinkles, you need to apply olive oil on the areas around your mouth just before going to bed. Wash it off next morning.
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2. Papaya
This is a fruit contains super anti-aging properties and also has an enzyme that helps in boosting the skin elasticity. So, it provides you with a natural and youthful skin. For treating the wrinkles, apply one tablespoon of crushed papaya on affected areas and then allow it to sit for about 15 minutes and rinse it.
3. Use aloe vera gel to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth
Aloe vera gel is the best natural ingredient for curing several skin related issues. Luckily, it also aids in treating all the wrinkles around the mouth. For this great remedy, you need to apply aloe vera gel on your affected areas and then allow it to sit for about 30 minutes. After this, rinse it using some normal water.
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4. Coconut oil and egg white
This ingredient works very effectively in keeping the skin tight and moisturized. Also, it helps in preventing the skin from becoming too dry which can later lead to wrinkles around your mouth.
You need to blend one teaspoon of the coconut oil with one tablespoon of the egg white and then apply it on the affected areas. Now, allow it to sit there for 20 minutes. After this, wash off the skin using some normal water.
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5. Honey and lemon juice
This is another great combination which works effectively in eliminating the wrinkles around your mouth. The rich nutrients and vitamins present in these ingredients help in enhancing the look of your skin.
For this super remedy, you need to mix one teaspoon of honey with one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of water. Then, apply the blend to your affected areas and also allow it to sit there for 15 minutes. After this, wash off the skin.
6. Tomato juice
Tomato juice is a best remedy that could quite effectively delay the signs of aging. Also, it helps in removing your wrinkles around the mouth. It has been found that massaging tomato juice on the affected regions helps in enhancing the blood circulation and also production of the new cells. Besides this, you can drink tomato juice on the regular basis to have the desired results quickly.