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Diet Chart To Reduce Breast Fat! | Beauty Tips and Makeup Blog

Diet Chart To Reduce Breast Fat!


So, what would you like to have today in the meal..A platter designed with various fruits or a plate of healthy vegetables or a well cooked fish or a twist of some nuts? Tell me, what’s your order ma’am? Confused? You may be wondering why I am offering all these dishes to you? Well, to please your inquisitiveness, let me inform you that you have entered the zone developed for bringing down your breast size and the food options offered earlier are part of your diet plan designed for same. 🙂


Breasts are indeed the most beautiful assets of a woman’s body, but extra large breasts may often make one feel uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassed. In case, you are among the same category, then you have surely landed on the correct place. Here are some tips or rather food tips for you, which can make your breasts tone down in a natural way. Here you go..
First, we all need to understand the fact that why some of us are structured with the burden of having over-sized breasts? Our breast tissue is primarily made up of fat and hence, whenever we tend to gain body fat, there is a good chance of affecting our breast size. Hence, it is advised to follow a good diet plan to control your increasing body as well as breast size. Here are some foods which can help you during your journey..

#Citrus Fruit Juices


Vitamin C is already said to have many benefits like it helps in weight loss and breast reduction too. Yes, you read it right! Choices like lemon, cranberry, orange, grapefruit and lime can serve as excellent options for your weight and breast reduction.

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#Green Tea


The benefits of consuming green tea are very well known to all of us. However, when it comes to breast reduction, it may not provide quick results, but sipping down 2-3 cups of this natural tea can really provide you with amazing results just after few weeks. Added to it, it even claims to protect you against the risk of developing breast cancer.

#Ginger Tea


Again, this is another option for making you feel free of your over-sized breasts. It pays a great affect on your breast size by increasing your metabolism, which further leads to the burning off of fatty tissues culminated around your body and breast. You can observe a remarkable difference in your breast size after 2-3 months of its regular consumption.



Fish contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acid in it, which is very helpful for burning excess fat. This high quality protein source can be enjoyed in any form like grilling, steaming, baking or even broiling. It will surely make you observe desired changes in your breast size. For quick results, you can try on to mackerel, herriing, trout or salmon too.



Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and this feature benefits you well in your breast reduction. Almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and macadamia nuts are the best options, which you can go for. However, only remember to avoid the sugar coated and salty ones.



Vegetables like kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. These further help in lowering your carbohydrates level and maintaining your ideal breast size. Vegetables, and that too green would not have sound so good earlier. Ha-ha!
While, going as per my provided diet plan, there is also need to follow or take care of some of the tips, which can help you in the long run. (As you know half knowledge is dangerous knowledge) 😉

  • You must create a calorie deficit for your body. When you eat few calories, then your body starts burning fat and this can help in reducing your breast size. However, it must be kept in mind that once you reach your goal, you must balance your calorie intake with your activity level.


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  • Reduce fat, salt and sugar in your diet so as to reap the best results out of the given diet plan.
  • Eating nutrient rich food will make you feel less hungry, thus reducing your body and breast fat.
  • It’s also important to eat small portions of food at once. It is important for your body to understand the difference between feeling full and feeling stuffed.
  • If you are in a habit of munching on, then I would advise you to go for small proportions of food in a day like
  • you can have oats in morning, sandwich for lunch, banana in between breakfast and lunch, toast as evening snack and salad for dinner.

With such a diet plan and tips from me (who for now, is your health expert), I am sure you will rock in your new less size bra. And yes, no need to say thank you for tis favor! 😉


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